
Saturday 7 July 2012

Time for some literature...

As I'd finished my final linguistics course towards my BA in English Language & Literature I figured that I might as well start getting registered for the Literature strand of the degree while I was waiting for my results.

After putting it off for a couple of weeks, I finally filled in the forms and sent off all the paperwork (thank you Scottish government for making it free for me to study). I got the confirmation of my registration much quicker than I expected.

So now I'm all registered for it. Woo hoo!

My last course was a Level 3 so this is back to second level now, hopefully it'll be a nice change after the pace of the third level course. I had originally planned to double up and do this one at the same time before I switched jobs; I'm glad I'm just concentrating on one at a time now.

There are ten set books to read for the course and I've been trying to read them all before the course starts, so when I'm studying them I'll already be familiar with the texts. So far I'm just starting the fourth of the ten and I've got until the 29th of September, plenty of time yet.

Quite looking forward to getting my course materials, it's so much fun looking at things you don't understand and knowing that (hopefully) within the year it will all become clear.

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