
Tuesday 27 November 2012

Book 74 of 2012: Crow

I used to read loads of poems when I was younger, but as I got older I sort of stopped looking for new poets. The poetry trees have been great for introducing me to new poets and Crow is one of three books Jen has shared with me.

It was a fairly quick read, I snuggled up in bed with it and read it quite quickly, though I did spend longer on some poems than others. The poems generally feature the character of Crow but also have elements of mythology or Bible stories. I liked that all the poems had a common thread running through them, I though that was very clever.

When I first started it I found it quite dark but as I read on I realised that there was an element of humour in some of the poems. The imagery of them was very strong as well, with just a few words I could find a really clear mental picture, as in Dawn's Rose "A cry / Wordless / As the newborn baby's grieving / On the steely scales."

Other favourites were Examination at the Womb-door, Crow's Account of the Battle, Apple Tragedy and Crow Goes Hunting. When I was reading Crow Goes Hunting it reminded me of the bit in Disney's The Sword in the Stone when the witch and wizard were having a battle and turning into different animals.

Although it was a very quick read, it's kind of stuck with me and I keep on remembering bits. I've gone back to the book a couple of times to remind myself of poems or odd quotes. I've given it a middling sort of rating because I wouldn't say it was one of my favourite poetry books, but it's stayed with me and I think I'd like to revisit it again in the future.         

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