
Wednesday, 26 December 2012

Christmas Present(s)

I hope that everyone had a lovely Christmas. I know I did.

Santa was very generous, above are just some of the presents Mr Click and I received.

This year I gave a stocking full of goodies to Mr Click (including the Back to the Future films on blu-ray), new oven mitts and lucky socks. I also got him a cute coffee mug and tin, the Shrek films on blu-ray and a shiny new coffee machine.

I was involved in two Secret Santas, a book one which I sent two Philip Pullman books for and one at work. I also sent my Nan an audiobook of Never Let Me Go and we got my in-laws a Marks & Spencer hamper as they loved the one I won at work last year.

As for me, I was very lucky. Mr Click gave me a stocking which included a new book journal, a Disney's Cinderella box set and a lovely little owl necklace. My main three gifts were the complete series of Scrubs, a lovely Winnie the Pooh nightie and socks set, and the complete series of Friends.

With some money my Nan sent me I've ordered Terry Pratchett's Snuff and some knitting booklets, I also got a set of BBC Dicken's adaptations from my in-laws. I think it's safe to say that between us we've got enough TV viewing to last us until next Christmas!

Aside from opening presents, it was a lovely relaxed day. I finished knitting another little doll, watched lots of good TV and went for several walks with Tara and Mr Click.

It was a really good day.

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