
Saturday, 9 March 2013

Communication - The Cardigans

It's been a little while since I posted about the music I've been listening to. I think this is partly linked to the fact that when it's dark and blowy out when I'm walking Tara my MP3 player stays home so I can hear what's going on around me. And I've been putting newer music onto my phone rather than my MP3 player so it's all new instead of stuff I know off by heart because I have loved it for years.

While clearing out the notes in my phone the other day I found a list of songs I really like. As I listen to them on my MP3 player, if I think I can write a blog post about them, I add them to the list, and then apparently forget about it so the posts never get written.

Until now, that is. At the top of the list was a song by Swedish band The Cardigans, called Communication. I first found it on a Bones fanvideo, of all places, and I kept on finding myself going back and watching it over and over because I liked the song.

I started looking out for more of their stuff and happened to find one of their albums in a charity shop and later bought another couple from a lovely little indie music store in Greenock which has since closed down. At the time I was buying these CDs I wasn't even sure that I really liked their music, but I thought if they could produce one song that I liked so much, there'd have to be others.

I was right. Quite a few songs by The Cardigans now top my favourites lists, I'm sure I'll post more here in the future. For now, enjoy Communication.


  1. Aw I love The Cardigans :)

    1. They seem to do quite a range of different styles which I like in a band. I must remember to dig out my CDs so I can put them onto my phone to listen to them more often. ;-)


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