
Sunday, 24 March 2013

Project 52: Week 12 - On The Edge

I had big plans for this week’s photo, but I just didn’t get the chance to take a photo the way I wanted to. When I saw the theme was On The Edge I thought that it would give me a chance to play with some different sorts of photos to what I might normally take.

Specifically, I wanted to take a photo down on the seafront. All along the front is this blue railing that stops the people on the path from falling down onto the beach or into the sea. I wanted to stand up against the railing so that my toes were right on the edge of the path, then lean forward and take a photo looking down at the sea below.

Alas, the weather this week foiled this plan. This photo would’ve required me to take my camera with me to my in-laws’, not such a big deal because I was there on Tuesday and Thursday, but the weather wasn’t great and it was late in the day. I thought ‘no worries’ I’ll take my photo on Friday when I’ll be there during daylight hours; but that day it snowed and we had a power cut, so I didn’t get a chance then either.

If I’d brought my camera with me today I could’ve had a go at it. At least it’s dry and the sun is shining, but it was quite windy when I left the house this morning and so I left it behind. When we walk Tara along the front in the wind we don’t stop moving, otherwise you get really really cold, so there’s not much opportunity for taking a photo then.

So I did the best with what I had at the time. I stood on the stairs in my fluffy socks and took a photo looking down.

Week 12: On The Edge
 Just imagine I’m wearing sensible outdoor footwear, and instead of standing on a carpeted staircase they’re standing on the edge of a path, and instead of a carpeted floor beneath them, it’s a bunch of rocks and water. I like to think it would look slightly more dramatic than my fluffy socks.

My only other option (which I did seriously consider) was taking a photo of the DVD case for Dancing on the Edge, which Mr Click suggested. It was a very good suggestion, but I thought the socks were marginally more interesting. Next week will be Early Morning which should be slightly easier to work with!

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