
Friday, 12 April 2013

A Day To Myself

As a teenager I used to love having the house to myself, I think all teens do. There’s something nice about being given the responsibility to stay home and take care of things all by yourself. Even though I’m grown up now, and have a house all of my own, I still feel a little bit excited when I know I’m going to be able to stay in all by myself.

Normally when we’re home, Mr Click and I are home together, but recently he’s had to take his Dad to a couple of appointments off the island and as Tara is a bit much for his Mum to handle on her own, I took the days off and stayed home. On the second of these days, Mr Click had band practice so whereas normally we’d go to his parents’ in the evening and I would stay with them until he was done, he just went back there and didn’t come back until afterwards.

I had a very full day of it that day. I woke when he woke and had breakfast with him. He left early but I stayed in bed reading for a while. That was a bit of a treat, normally I have a lie-in and read on weekends, so to do it on a weekday felt like a bit of decadence. Then Tara and I got up and walked to Kerrycroy. She expects a long walk like this on days when I’m not at work, I didn’t want to disappoint her, but I also had plans for the day so I got it out the way early and we were back by 8am.

I like to have background noise when I’m in the house by myself, so I stuck the Lord of the Rings commentaries on (during the course of the day I managed to finish listening to the cast commentary on The Two Towers, all of the one on Return of the King, then went back to The Fellowship of the Ring to listen to the director commentary). I dug into my OU and worked on it right up until lunch. This is how I normally spend my Saturdays, working on whatever the current chapter in the course book is and trying to get a little bit ahead before the next assignment.

Lunch was a lot more successful than it has been on previous occasions. We used to have this strange tin opener that you needed to have an engineering degree to work. Luckily, Mr Click replaced it with a boring metal one, which is much easier to use. Last time I had to send him an emergency text asking how to work it, so this time around was much easier and I was able to have soup without any bother.

As I’d worked so hard that morning I rewarded myself by playing on my laptop for most of the afternoon. I made all of those banners that you’ve seen on my A to Z Challenge posts as well as getting a few blog posts written. I like to get outlines of some posts written even if I can’t finish them off completely until later on (like writing about places we’re planning to go or TV series we’re in the middle of watching).

I read as well for a while. I’ve mentioned before that I like to read aloud, so I’d sit and read a book for a bit. I also read some of the film magazines that I get as well. After walking Tara again I ended up going to bed with my book, so by the time Mr Click came home I was back where I’d started when he left that morning.

The funny thing was, as much as I’d looked forward to having the house to myself, by the end of the day I was really beginning to feel a bit lonely. I always used to be happy in the house by myself, but I’ve got so used to having company (that isn’t dog or rat shaped) that a whole day by myself felt strange. That’s not to say that I’m not looking forward to another day at home alone, I’m just going to have to come up with some more things to do to keep myself occupied!


  1. I love being in the house by myself, I tend to get more done, and I'm a bit of a loner! I like to be by myself. It's just me and my mum, so I tend to be alone quite a lot, especially when she's on late shifts and I'm on earlies, and we only see each other on the crossover! I get lonely sometimes too, if I'm on my own for a few days in a row.

    1. I usually get more done, but sometimes I think it has the opposite effect, 'no one is here to see what I'm up to, so I can get away with doing a bit less, or rushing stuff to finish quicker' ;-)

      I can imagine it must get a bit lonely if you're not really seeing anyone else when you're at home for a few days.

  2. I love having the house to myself, doing what, when I want, if I want.

    1. It's especially nice when you normally have to coordinate what you want to do with other people. ;-)

  3. It really is heavenly to have the house to myself!! I can get so much done! OR sit and stare at the wall... it's all good!
    Peanut Butter and Whine

    1. Yeah, it's nice to be able to be really busy, or relax without having anyone else disturbing you (whatever you choose to do). ;-)


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