
Tuesday, 2 April 2013

#atozchallenge - B is for Babies

This is my second post for the A to Z Challenge, so far, so good.

One thing you’ll notice, if you’re wanting to start a family, is that suddenly babies are everywhere. Whenever you turn on the TV there are adverts for baby products, sales at Asda for baby supplies and Clear Blue digital pregnancy tests (this is particularly remarkable when the only TV you have isn’t actually connected to an aerial or a dish). You go for a walk round the shops and every woman you see is either pushing a pram or has a baby bump. And your Facebook friends list suddenly explodes with people who are going to christenings or want to show off their latest scan pictures.

This condition doesn’t get any easier with time. Trust me.

Even now I can’t walk past Mothercare without wanting to go in and look at the teeny tiny little booties, or check out the cribs to imagine where in the bedroom we might put one. What’s worse is when you do actually go in and the women in there look at you like they’re trying to work out how far along you are. Ikea is another good place because they’ve got all those funky nursery and children’s bedroom furniture; I must’ve redesigned our nursery half a dozen times in the last few years.

I like to think that, mentally at least, I’m quite prepared for a baby. At least in terms of furniture and clothes. I’ve not actually purchased any of those supplies yet (apart from some teeny tiny booties which are buried in a bag in the wardrobe), I feel like anything else would be unlucky. At least when the time comes, I know exactly where the best bargains can be had!


  1. I was not prepared for motherhood, some of it was good some of it was heart breaking. But, I've never regretted it.

    1. I can't wait until it's something that I can experience for myself.

      Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  2. I so entirely feel you. Babies are every where, even more so when you are longing for one. I even crochet baby blankets because I hope to use them someday.

    1. I'm glad I'm not alone in making baby things. I have some old knitting patterns for baby clothes that I inherited from my Nan, I had to stop making the clothes because it was making me feel sad wondering if I'd ever get to use them.

      But I've got a nice little stash of vintage-style cardigans for whoever does come along. ;-)

  3. Babies? Arrrgh! My sister-in-law is expecting twins any day now (which are kids 4 & 5). (Her doc told her she'd never have kids, so #1 was kind of a surprise. She's turning 12 in June.)

    1. Congratulations for your sister-in-law. Sounds like she'll have her hands full.

      Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  4. The difficulty for me was when my sisters stopped having babies and my nieces started!
    but I do love to hold them :)

    1. Hehe, I know that feeling. I became a great-aunt at the age of 22!

      I think that's something quite nice about other people's babies; you can hold them and enjoy them, but get to hand them back when things get messy. ;-)


Let me know what you think. :-)