
Thursday 4 April 2013

#atozchallenge - D is for Dreams

Do you ever have dreams that are so vivid that when you wake up it takes a moment to realise that it's not real?

Sometimes I hate those dreams.

There's nothing worse than having a nice pregnancy dream only to wake up and realise that it's not real, or dreaming that you've got a little family and waking up and finding that the little person you were cuddling is actually the tail end of your labrador!

It can be nice to have those dreams too.

There was one night when I had a really vivid dream that we were adopting a little girl. It wasn't really something I'd thought about too much before but it started me thinking about that as an option if the IVF doesn't work.

And then there are the dreams that you just have in general; the desire to hold your newborn child, to see them going to school for the first time, making friends and having birthday parties. They're a bit more important than the dreams you have at night (and not only because they don't usually feature characters who can only speak via emoticons); they're dreams for the future and they're the ones that really count.

I'm just going to keep on dreaming a little longer.


  1. I've had quite a lot of pregnancy dreams that make me really wistful when I wake up, and I'm not even ready for kids yet. They can feel so real!

    1. It's kind of funny how real they can feel sometimes. I'd love to know what my brain thinks it's playing at.

  2. Hmm...I don't have pregnancy dreams--probably something to do with my biology, but I do wish the dreams I did have were more vivid. Great post.

    1. Hehe, you never know, anything can happen in dreams. ;-p

      I tend towards vivid dreams anyway, it's good entertainment most of the time.

  3. Oh Click! My heart is hurting for you! I've had those dreams and I've written about them too. It's so painful waking up after dreams like that.

    1. Thank you. :-)

      There have been so many times when I've woken up and just wanted to go back to sleep for a little bit longer to avoid losing whatever I was dreaming about. :-)


Let me know what you think. :-)