
Thursday, 11 April 2013

#atozchallenge - John

Normally on here I refer to him as Mr Click, but my husband’s name is actually John. I thought he deserved a mention during this challenge, not just because I needed something that began with the letter J, but also because he’s going through this journey with me.

He’s just a wonderful person and so he’s earned a blog post all to himself. I’ve read online about some people’s partners who are really reluctant to have the tests done or maybe aren’t as invested in starting a family as they are, and I always feel pleased that mine isn’t like that.

He’s also very supportive. When I was freaking out about the investigative surgery I had to have, he was there with cuddles and soothing words, and a Professor Layton game for my DS. He’s worked really hard to make sure that he’s in tip-top shape and has even dropped caffeine from his diet as well. He’s come to every one of my appointments, even though I’ve not been able to go to all of his. I’m obviously a very lucky lady.

He puts up with me teasing him and complaining about silly little things and being hormonal and emotional. He plays my little games where we come up with names for our potential children and tolerates my trips around furniture shops planning what the nursery might look like. He’s gotten rid of loads of things he’s been hanging onto for years to make more room in the spare bedroom so we might eventually be able to squeeze a baby in there.

In short, he’s one of my best friends, the person I can happily spend every day with (and only want to throw things at occasionally) and if I’d had to choose who I would go through all of this with, he’d definitely be my number one choice.


  1. This is lovely, I'm glad that he is there for you :)

    1. Thank you, he really is something special. :-)

  2. Awe-what a wonderful tribute to a wonderful husband.

    1. Thanks, I thought he deserved a post all of his own. ;-)


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