
Friday, 7 June 2013

A to Z Challenge: Roadtrip

During the A to Z Challenge I didn't quite get to look all the way round all of the other blogs on the list. I don't have regular internet access and it's tricky trying to look at other people's blogs on my phone (with the exception of blogs I already follow which I have an app for on my phone). I spent a fair bit of time before the Challenge started finding new blogs and did visit quite a few other blogs during the month of April.

I had planned to carry on looking through all the other blogs on the list when the Challenge finished, but then they advertised something on the A to Z Challenge site which I thought I'd do instead: The A to Z Roadtrip.

Basically it's very like the A to Z Challenge list. You sign up and visit the other blogs on the list, while other bloggers do the same thing and so come and visit you as well. I've made my way through quite a few of the blogs on the list and have stopped to comment on and follow on quite a few.

Unlike the A to Z Challenge, with the Roadtrip you don't have post every day or every week or every month. You just follow your normal blogging schedule and make your way through the list in your own time. Blogs can be added to the list until December, though it will still be up for visiting after that.

I found the A to Z Challenge to be a really useful way to find new blogs, but I've been signed up for the Roadtrip for about a month now and I'm actually preferring the way it works. With the A to Z Challenge people were posting things under the A to Z posts, which meant that in some cases they were following a theme that they might not normally write about. Now the Challenge is over it's a lot easier to see whether a blog will appeal to you or not right away.

In the blogs I'm looking out for people who had similar interests to me, lifestyles or hobbies that I find interesting, book or film review blogs, and people with a good sense of humour. But I'm not limiting myself just to those, if I see something that appeals to me I'll add it to my list. I'm still not great about commenting, largely because I'm mostly reading them on my phone, but I'm working on improving the number of blogs I comment on.

So if you're looking for new blogs to follow, or hoping to find more readers on your blog, I'd definitely recommend taking part in the Roadtrip.


  1. A road trip sounds like a good thing.

    I've meant to go back and read more of the people I missed during A-Z this would be a great opportunity.

    1. I'd definitely recommend it. It's a slower way of visiting other blogs because you're going in your own time.

      I've already found a handful of new blogs through it.


Let me know what you think. :-)