
Saturday, 15 June 2013

Blog Spotlight: Random Ramblings

Another month, another blog spotlight. This month I'm taking a break from the blogs of friends who are taking part in the nail art challenge to spotlight my friend Mark's blog, Random Ramblings (or to use the blog's full name, Random Ramblings, Thoughts and Fiction). I know Mark through HTV and we have a similar sort of taste in books and TV series. His tastes tend to run in the same sort of vein as my husband, so when Mark mentions a film, book or series that he likes there's a fairly good chance Mr Click will like it too; this makes buying birthday and Christmas presents for Mr Click quite easy!

As the name suggests it's something of a multipurpose blog. Mark covers pretty much anything and everything from book, film and tv reviews, to a variety of *ahem* photos. Unfortunately I don't often get to visit his blog properly because due to adult content my phone won't load it (despite Vodafone assuring me that the content control was being removed). Luckily I have an app on my phone which isn't quite so picky about what I'm allowed to look at, so I'm still able to read his posts.

I have to admit that some of his posts are lost on me; Mark appreciates the female form and there's a good reason why 'bums' is one of his more popular tags. I have on occasions passed my phone over to Mr Click because I know he's a fan of those sorts of posts. I keep on telling Mr Click to just follow Random Ramblings because it would save me a lot of time having to pass on these interesting posts. ;-)

Mark is a pretty creative guy. He not only writes, but also produces painting and drawings. Some of my favourites include Thomas the Photographer and Columbo. He also regularly participates in the HTV Writing Challenge and often posts his own fiction on his blog as well as pieces of fan fiction too. If you're checking out Mark's fiction posts be sure to check out Sapphire and Steel and also Cold Calling.

As I said above, Mark and I share a similar taste in books. Case in point, we both reviewed The Strange Case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde at roughly the same time! He was also the one who put me onto Moriarty and has recently been reading Kim Newman's Anno Dracula books and so has given me yet another set of books to add to my 'To Read' List.

If you're only stopping by to check out one thing, visit Mark's Out On Blue Six posts. They're all about songs that he likes and although I don't always get to listen to all of the music that he posts during these but it's great for finding new artists who you might not have previously liked or listened to. He's got quite a wide range of tastes in music so it's always interesting to see what he's chosen to blog about each time there's another Out On Blue Six post.

If you stop by his blog you'll see that there's loads of other posts I could link to. I've not even mentioned his movie and tv series posts. There really is something for everyone on Random Ramblings and Mark's even more regular about posting than I am, so there's always something new to read.


  1. Replies
    1. You're welcome. I'm pleased I've finally got the lock taken off my phone so I can actually read your blog now, hopefully that means I'll be able to comment more frequently!


Let me know what you think. :-)