
Thursday, 18 July 2013

Day Zero Project: Go through clothes every six months

I've not been doing too well with clearing out my old clothes. I think part of the reason why I've not checked this one off on my list is because of the timescale I set myself. I've not been religiously going through things every six months, but I am doing it more gradually; as and when I come across a sock with a hole in or a top that's getting a little bit shabby then I deal with it then.

Top which is now falling apart & trouswers which are too short in the leg, both of which still reside in my wardrobe, despite needing to be disposed of!
I really should have a proper big clear out though. I tend to wear long-sleeved tops underneath my regular t-shirts and I've got a stack of tops which are a bit worn out or have holes in them which are in dire need of being pulled out of the drawer and given to the rats or cut up for rags.

I've also lost a bit of weight recently too. My jeans are starting to get a bit looser and I'm becoming able to pull them down without undoing them, which is never a good thing. At some point I'll have to have a sort through what I have and see what fits, what doesn't and what's in danger of becoming obscene if I'm not careful.

Of couse, getting rid of clothes also means that you have to buy new ones. I'm not a huge fan of clothes shopping. I prefer to grab stuff from charity shops where it's cheap enough that if you get it home and it's awful on you, you can just donate it back. Most of the time I don't even worry about getting my money back, it's usually for a good cause after all.

I'm terrible for hanging onto things that I don't totally like, or that don't fit right any more, or that are too worn out to be of practical use. I've gotten better since we moved but I still could do with having a clear out more often. I keep on thinking I should just tackle it a drawer at a time, maybe once a week going through my clothes and pulling out whatever I can be rid of, but although I start with good intentions, I usually stop about halfway through.

Do you have a routine for clearing out old clothes? How do you get rid of things you don't want any more?

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