
Wednesday, 14 August 2013

Blog Spotlight: Mint Nails

I'm a day early for the blog spotlight this month, mainly because the 15th, when I would normally do this, is a Thursday so has already been ear-marked for a Day Zero blog post. You can't begin to imagine the dilemma I had trying to decide how to organise things; post it a day early or a day late, skip the Day Zero post, skip the blog spotlight. Honestly, non-bloggers have no idea about these things!

In the end I decided that the date probably wasn't really what was important; it's what I actually say about the blog that counts.
My Mint Nails blog
Mint Nails belongs to an HTV friend, Saz, who helps to keep us all in line on the forms. As her blog name suggests she blogs about nail art and she's another of my friends who has been taking part in a year long weekly nail art challenge.

As with all the friends taking part in these nail art blogs, I can't help but be amazed at the effects she creates and I enjoy checking out her blog to see what funky effects she's achieved. I'm one of those people who is lucky to be able to actually get the nail varnish on my nails (rather than my fingers, fingertips, the floor, the bed, my laptop, etc.) so to make her nails look as funky as she does is something really impressive!

I have so many favourites so I'm going to try and be sparing about links to my favourites. Saz does some very clever things with nail art pens, which allow her to make very intricate patterns with a level of detail that you couldn't achieve with an ordinary nail varnish brush.

I have a thing for all things butterfly, so the Ugly Bug Ball nails are fantastic. I love that she breaks the process down to show exactly how it's done, if I had the inclination and tools I'd probably try it myself. I also love the way that random things can inspire Saz's designs, for example these Tribal Print nails were influenced by a Topshop dress. I think she's captured the pattern really well! I also feel like her Toxic Tribal design deserves a mention because it's really green - my favourite colour.
When she's not doing tribal-style patterns, Mint Nails also features a lot of animal print designs. I'm not really a huge fan of animal print patterns in general, but I really love the effect of the animal print tips, like these. It's really subtle and effective. If Saz didn't share how it was done I'd assume they were false nails.

Saz's nails have made it into Look Magazine three times as well. You can see those posts here. That's not something that everyone can blog about. I'd recommend stopping by Mint Nails and checking out some of Saz's other fantastic designs because I can't list them all here!


  1. Awww Cait, yay :-D Thanks so much for featuring my blog, and you've been way too kind about it.

    You're awesome :-) x x x

    1. You're welcome, I'm glad you liked it. Hopefully it makes up for all the times I read your blog but don't comment. ;-)


Let me know what you think. :-)