
Sunday, 15 September 2013

Project 52: Week 37 - Numbers

I'd planned on using this photo theme to reveal how many eggs we'd gotten from retrieval or how many we had fertilised, unfortunately things didn't quite go to plan there so I had to come up with another idea for my Numbers themed photo instead.

Luckily my current knitting project came to my rescue. I'm not going to go into too much detail on this because I want to reveal what I'm knitting later in the week, but suffice to say I spent about a week looking up and writing out numbers to create the pattern.

Since then I've transferred all of this information into a spreadsheet on my computer, colour-coded, and it's a lot easier to follow. But this page of numbers came in handy for photographic purposes.

Week 37: Numbers
I've wanted to fiddle around with effects and things for a while and as this was otherwise just a sheet of paper with a bunch of numbers scrawled on it in pencil, it seemed like the perfect thing to experiment on.

The first thing I did was altered the contrast because some of the pencil marks were really faint. Once I'd made some of my usual modifications I decided that what I really wanted was a bit of a vignette and some blur. So I fired up Picasa and played around with some effects. I'm definitely going to make use of Picasa again in the future.

Next week's theme is Upside Down which shouldn't be too tricky with our upside down dog, Tara.

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