
Sunday, 29 September 2013

Project 52: Week 38 - Upside Down & Week 39 - Motoring

As I mentioned last week, I'd intended to use my silly Upside Down Dog for my photo of the week for the theme Upside Down, but she stubbornly refused to cooperate for the whole week. With the exception of one moment on the Saturday I don't think I saw her particularly wrong-side up at all. So I had to resort to desperate measures.

I posted a filler blog post to explain the lack of photo post last week and kept on waiting for Tara to hop up onto one of the armchairs at my in-laws' and then I knew I could get a photo to post this week. By bedtime I knew I was going to have to go with a Plan B, except I didn't actually have one. So I forgot to take a picture until the very last minute when I snapped the one below.

Week 38: Upside Down
See, that's Mr Click's feet on his pillow... because he's upside down on the bed... geddit?

Yeah, like I said, I was desperate.

For this week's theme of Motoring I had a much better idea of what I wanted to photograph. I knew it was going to be a car, and although I would've loved to have played around with photos of car headlights in the dark or motion blur where we live doesn't really afford much of a chance of those kinds of photos (unless I'd send Mr Click out to make several circuits of the estate and tried to catch a decent photo as he passed).

So I used our car and focused on (what is to a layman like myself) a fairly important part of the car.

Week 39: Motoring
I'm quite pleased with how this photo turned out, considering how basic it is and what I quick job I made of it (dodging out first thing this morning and kneeling in the car park to snap a photo of our car's wheel).

I wanted it to look sort of cold and metallic, because that's what I think of when I think of cars. It helps that our car is silver, the gravel is grey and the wall in the background is white. It all combined to make the photo feel quite hard. I fiddled around with the contrast, highlights and shadows to emphasise that, then adjusted the tone and saturation down a little bit. The yellow and orange leaves on the right are a bit distracting, if I'd noticed them I'd have tidied them up before I started snapping, the trees on the estate have decided it's autumn now and it's impossible to avoid them.

I like that the wheel is turned slightly because it meant I could focus on that, rather than on the edges of the wheel arch. I also cropped it slightly closer than I might normally do, just to see what it looked like, and I think I like it.

Next week's theme is Lines and I've not got any ideas for that at the moment. Hopefully something will come to me in the next few days.

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