
Friday, 1 November 2013

It's NaNo Time!

And so it begins!

Hopefully by the time you're reading this I will already have several thousand words towards my target of 50,000 during the month of November. I'll try and check in regularly with my progress, though I apologise if these posts aren't always completely coherent, anyone who has taken part in NaNo before will understand.

This year I'm writing a general I've not played with for many year; Children's! Which ties in nicely with the course I'm doing this year with the OU. It's a crime story for children, along the lines of the Sherlock Holmes novels, featuring a couple of kids who are massive fans of the books (well, one of them is, the other just likes a good game). It's heavily inspired by Conan Doyle's A Study in Scarlet.

The working title is A Study of Charlotte: The Game is Afoot and I'm yet to work out all of the little plot holes and details.

It's going to be an interesting month!


  1. I'm doing a children's as well this year. It is a far cry from my normal apocalyptic chick lit (yeah, I made it a genre). Good luck!


Let me know what you think. :-)