
Thursday, 6 March 2014

Day Zero Project: Read all my literature course books before the course starts

This is an almost complete one. I did read most of the course books prior to my last course beginning, though some of them I read about two years before the start of the course so had to go back and reread them again in order to have them fresh enough in my mind to actually study and write about them.

For my Children's Literature course I've been a little more relaxed about the reading. Lots of the books I've studied so far I have read, or had read to me, in the past, so I'm able to start the coursework while I'm still reading them, but get them finished before coming to write the assignments.

I've just this week had a delivery of the last five books I need for my course so now the race is on to get them all read before I actually need to make use of them. I'm sure I can do it.

Back when I set myself this target I had intended to buy all of my books in one go before the course started but as both of my last two courses have been literature ones with a very heavy reading load I quickly realised that this wasn't very practical. Firstly, you don't actually need to read all the books, I have for the simple reason that I like having the option to choose what I'm going to write about, but I didn't have to do that. Secondly, you need to have somewhere to put them all; knowing me I'd buy half a dozen books, put three of them somewhere safe and then end up having to reorder them because I can't find them exactly when I need them. Thirdly, buying them as you go helps to spread the cost; I'd actually intended to ask people to get them for me as birthday/Christmas presents but never needed to do that, but at least I'd had that option if I'd needed it.

This one is going to have to be filed under 'nice idea but not really practical'.

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