
Thursday, 3 April 2014

#atozchallenge: C is For...

Communication – The Cardigans

I’ve posted about Communication before. It’s another one which I found through a TV series; someone made a fanmix, for Bones again (I used to look at a whole lot of those), and I heard this song and fell in love with it. Not long afterwards I found a Cardigans CD in a charity shop in Oban and before long I’d bought a Greatest Hits type CD as well. I just love the words to this song.

Concerning Hobbits – Howard Shore

And yet another song which comes from TV/Film. I was so enamoured by the Lord of the Rings films when they came out that I immersed myself in them (and the books) so it was only natural that I got the soundtracks. I couldn’t pick just one song from the soundtrack to be my favourite but this is definitely one of my top ones. It’s got a sort of playful, quirky-flavour, which just captures the character of the hobbits perfectly.

Closest Thing To Crazy – Katie Melua

When I was seventeen I wrote a story which started as an attempt to write a car crash without actually describing what was happening. It started as just ten or twelve lines of dialogue. A year later it was seventy-five pages long and was the first proper story I’d ever seen right through to its conclusion. Somewhere near the end I heard a new song on TV and realised it fitted perfectly with the story I’d written; that song was Katie Melua’s Closest Thing To Crazy. And the story… well, that’s still being rewritten!


  1. I love the Hobbit song. One of my favourites from the movie as well.

    A-to-Z Blog Challenge
    @CDGallantKing on Twitter

    1. There are so many from the soundtracks I could've picked, but this is definitely my favourite.

      Thanks for the visit and good luck with your challenge.

  2. I love the hobbit theme, it just suits them so perfectly. Whenever I hear it I can see the Shire in my head :)

    1. I know what you mean, I can just picture that bit of the movie as it plays.

  3. Hello, just returning your visit to You're going to have a lot of music on your blog by the time you get to Z. I noticed you've put up other postings besides the A to Z ones. Very impressive, it's as much as I can do to get one a day done and look at other blogs. Good luck!

    1. Thanks for the return visit. :-)

      I got into the habit of that last year during the challenge. Luckily I've been able to spend my Saturdays planning posts. Unfortunately I only get online once a week a couple of times this month so it takes a bit of work to visit and comment on other blogs.


Let me know what you think. :-)