
Saturday, 12 April 2014

#atozchallenge: K is For...

Katy – Tom Paxton

It feels a little bit weird to be using someone’s video of their daughter’s photos for this song but I struggled to find a good version of this song and this was the best I could come up with. I mentioned the Tom Paxton tape I had as a child, it had been copied from one from the library and my dad had made a little cover for it with a clip art picture of a teddy bear on it. I honestly thought that this song had been written just for me for years. It took me a long time to find it when I went looking for it again as a teenager, mainly because I’d been spelling Katy as Katie. Even now I know all the words to it.

King of the Doghouse – Francis Rossi

Another one by Francis Rossi, I went through a phase of listening to this album on my way to University every morning when I was commuting. Once I got to Glasgow Central I’d have to hurry down to the Lower Level platforms, then once my train got to Jordanhill there’d be about a ten minute walk up the road; the last bit once I got onto the campus grounds was also a killer, just a slight uphill slope which made my legs ache. Something with a nice quick tempo helped with the journey. Plus the words to this one make me smile.

King of the Road – The Proclaimers

How young do the Proclaimers look in this video?!

Back when I was seventeen The Proclaimers did a Scottish Islands tour, which included a visit to my little island. At the time I knew very few of their songs, but it was too good an experience to miss (we don’t often have things like that on the island). It was a great night with lots of good music but this was one of the best. They did a slightly different version of it live that had a bit of a country sound to it. It’s yet another song that has a lot of happy memories associated with it because it reminds me of the summer when my friend came up to stay from down south.


  1. Katy is a particular favourite of mine too, it has lots of very happy memories

    1. I'm impressed that you've heard it before, I've honestly never met anyone who knows of it. It's a very old favourite.

      Thanks for visiting.

  2. Thank you, thank you, thank you for posting Katy. i had been searching for this on youtube only the other day, I'm not sure why it had popped into my head. We used to have his live album on cassette that we listened to in the car when i was a child and this one was my favourite (talking forty years ago!)
    Random browsing through the A to Z list.
    <a href=">martine@silencingthebell</a>


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