
Monday, 14 April 2014

#atozchallenge: L is For...

Lots and lots of songs! Almost as many as I had for the letter B in fact! Luckily I have managed to narrow it down somewhat, but it took a bit of deciding to work out exactly which were my favourites.

Landslide – Fleetwood Mac

I actually first got to know this song through the Dixie Chicks version. I like the words to it and I remember watching a video of some school kids singing a version of it with their teacher which was just lovely. I like songs which tell some sort of story and this one conjures up images in my mind. The Dixie Chicks version was also one of our constant songs during our time together in Appin, so both versions take me back to that time. As with so many of these songs I’ve chosen it’s all about the happy memories they give me.

Lou Reed – The Little Willies & Norah Jones

I wasn’t sure if I was going to be able to find this one on YouTube. I picked this CD up completely by chance in HMV one day, just because it was in the section with all the Norah Jones albums and I’d never heard of it before. It’s a slightly different style of music to her other albums and to begin with I wasn’t sure if it was my kind of thing. But all the songs have a wonderfully distinctive style and they’re often quite tongue in cheek. Lou Reed is one of my favourites because what’s not to like about seeing a singer out cow tipping in the middle of the night. Just listen to the words to see what I mean!

Living On An Island – Status Quo

Having been raised on Status Quo music from an early age, Living On An Island is quite possibly one of the most perfect songs to be used if ever there was to be a movie of my life. I am quite literally living on an island and I have for the past fourteen years. It’s been on my ‘Cait’s Theme's’ playlist (along with yesterday’s Katy) for as long as the playlist has been in existence.

Lady Luck – The Proclaimers

Another of my favourite Proclaimers songs. It’s another one which you have to listen to the words of. We quite often play their CD in the car, so it’s one I associate with long journeys and singing along at the top of my voice. It’s a song about a guy who is really down on his luck and really just can’t catch a break. I especially like the bit describing the woman who ‘spoke in the third person’.

Love Story – Taylor Swift

It’s no secret that I really like Taylor Swift’s music. There’s something about the words of the songs that speak to me. This one is a wee bit cheesy, but I like the way that it basically rewrites the Romeo and Juliet story. It was one of the songs that I listened to a thirty second clip on iTunes before deciding to buy and became one of the songs of our North Yorkshire trip. I like that the music video is a little bit like a mini-movie as well.

Last Kiss – Taylor Swift

This is one of the songs from Taylor Swift’s more recent CDs. I have both on my iPhone at the moment and tend to listen to them when I’m doing other things, like getting dressed in the morning, or when I feel the need for something to sing along to in the shower. I hadn’t paid a huge amount to many of the songs once I’d established my favourites but this one became a bit of an earworm and the more I listened to it, the more I fell in love with it. Like I said above, it’s something about the words.

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