
Saturday, 26 April 2014

Stat Happy!

I got a pleasant surprise when I logged onto my Blogger Dashboard on Sunday. Click's Clan hit 40,000 pageviews! In fact, I was well over 40,000 posts but not having been online sooner I hadn't noticed.

Blog Overview 20/04/14

I had kind of suspected that this was coming, having been somewhere in the region of 39,000-something the previous week, but I wasn't sure whether I would make it to the big four-oh-oh-oh-oh before Sunday. It's always a nice surprise when you hit a big milestone. In fact, it's nice to see those milestones at all because it shows people are actually visiting your little home on the Internetz and that you're not just shouting into the ether.

Would you believe that the last time I did one of these posts was way back in September last year, then it was to celebrate 20,000 pageviews. I don't think 30,000 pageviews went entirely unmentioned but it was buried amongst a bigger post and didn't have the individual stats on it.

Here's the shape of things this time around:

As of 20/04/14
Pageviews for today and yesterday are a little higher at the moment because of the A to Z Challenge. I noticed this last year, I got a nice big boost during the month which tapered off towards the end of April/beginning of May when things went back to more normal figures.

Still the month pageviews show that I'm seeing a wee bit more traffic compared to last year, 3,329 last month compared to 1,865 when I screencapped it last year.

My all time most popular blog post still remains my book review of George R.R. Martin's Game of Thrones. As I type this it's sitting at approximately, 1850 pageviews (1300 more than the next most popular, three blog posts about various Christmas films). All of my all time most popular blog posts date from 2012 or 2013 and I suspect that it is largely Google Image Searches that are bringing people to them as my top search terms are mostly combinations of 'Game of Thrones book cover' and 'der Grinch'.

I've had a few really weird search terms bringing people to my blog in the past few months. No screencaps of those because several of them involve the word 'porn'. I'm not entirely sure why they're bringing people to my blog, but I'm sure the people who find me through that search are very disappointed. Oh, and I've had a fair few looking for 'Knitted Chickens' as well, hopefully their needs are being satisfied by this post.

Other milestones that I've passed recently include writing my 666th blog post, and later the 700th as well. I'm not sure exactly which posts these are as it happened while I was scheduling my A to Z Challenge posts last week and since then I'd added my regular posts in between them. Suffice to say I've written them and they're here on my blog. I'll try and keep an eye out for my 800th when that comes up.

I wonder which blog achievement will be my next to celebrate. It won't be long before I hit 50,000 pageviews so maybe I'll skip that one in favour of posting a Stats post about my 60,000th pageview. All being well I'll be getting there somewhere around November!

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