
Wednesday, 27 August 2014

Wordless Wednesday: Boundary


  1. I think this would make such an interesting photo for sparking ideas for stories. Why is this part of the wall not covered in moss and ivy but the coping stones are? Is it a portal to another place or time? Do people come to rub a stone clean in order to be granted a wish? If the wall was broken and then mended, what crashing through the wall would make a breach that size? Do I have your permission to use this and maybe blog about how visual resources such as your photo help children with special needs when it comes to writing - I would of course give credit and a link back to your blog? Let me know.

    1. Of course you can use this photo on your blog. I'm glad it's inspired you.

      I love the idea of it being a portal to somewhere else, that's given me an idea for a story actually. ;-)

      Your last suggestion is the correct one. When we had really high winds a massive tree came crashing through. All the stones were put back together and the wall repaired like nothing had happened but it's taking quite a while for all the plants to reclaim it again.

    2. It truly is an amazing re-build and it's good to hear it was a tree (not a huge lumbering dinosaur!!) that came crashing through it. Thanks for the permission - look out for my blog post shortly :-)


Let me know what you think. :-)