
Sunday, 14 September 2014

Weekly Rundown: Short Weekend

You’ve heard of long weekends. That’s where you don’t have to go to work/school/some other commitment so you can go on trips/adventures/have a lazy day. Well a short weekend is the opposite, that’s where you don’t go on any trips/adventures/have any lazy days, instead you go to work/school/some other commitment.

I’m not complaining. It was a day well spent. That said, after one week of getting up early to travel off the island and spend the whole day shopping, and another of going to work for an extra day, I’m quite looking forward to Saturday next week when I will hopefully do neither of these things.

And typically, this weekend the sun was shining, so we can pretty much predict that it’s going to rain next Saturday.

Speaking of the weather, how awesome has the weather been this week?!

I’ve got to the point now where I’d done all the laundry. There’s really nothing left for me to wash now, except onesies. It’ll be getting cold soon and we might want to wear those. I think I’ll stick those in the machine later…

We’ve also had a hypochondriac labrador to be dealing with this week as well. Well, that’s a bit unfair. I kind of helped her pull a muscle in her back. On Friday we knew that she was feeling under the weather although everything was normal but she wasn’t herself. We figured it out in the end and as of yesterday she’s almost back to normal. We knew as soon as she jumped up onto the bed for morning cuddles yesterday morning!

This week has also seen me working on my plotting for this year’s NaNoWriMo. I’ve got the sketchiest of sketchy outlines. I know I’m writing mainstream, I know there’s going to be a hint of romance and a love triangle (because I’m good at those), and I might throw in some magic realism because I read The Ocean At The End Of The Lane by Neil Gaiman and bits of it have lodged in my mind.

I found a neat list on the NaNo forums which I’m planning on working through during October to help me plot out my story, for now I’m using another one to help me get used to writing every day. Except I’m not actually doing it every day yet. I’m working on it. That’s another thing I’m planning on doing next week.

I've just this week finished the book of Robert Frost poetry I started a couple of weeks ago. I used to read poetry as a child because it was a quick and easy read, but now I’m older (and I’ve studied a lot more poetry) I’m reading it a lot slower. I’m taking my time and digesting each poem. It’s different to how I’ve read it before but I think I’m getting more from it. I'd originally planned to go onto Harry Potter and the Half-Blood Prince but then I got a recommendation of The Three Musketeers which I downloaded onto my Kindle months ago with the intention of reading it, so I've gone for that instead.

This week we’ve finished watching Criminal Minds. The box set Mr Click got me for Christmas last year is only up to the seventh series. We’re not buying the next series until they come down in price a bit because we have plenty of other DVDs to be watching. I was a little bit worried as Criminal Minds has a habit of ending its series on cliffhangers. Series seven does have a bit of a cliffhanger, but on the whole it’s relatively upbeat so I can handle leaving Rossi, Hotch, Morgan, Reid, JJ, Emily and Penelope there for a while.

Next on the list is Ripper Street (which I got for my birthday), it’s a relatively short series so we should be done with it in time to start on our traditional Christmas viewing schedule.

I’m hoping we have lots of nice sunny weather again this week. The better for lots of nice walks and playing with my shiny camera.

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