
Thursday 27 November 2014

Wreck This Journal: Fill This Page With Circles

I know that I’ve already shared this page before but I’ve added to it since then so I thought I’d let you have a glimpse of how it’s looking now. I’d originally intended for this week’s post to be about the Finish This Book page but I’ve not got a photo of it to hand, whereas it’s much easier to snap a photo of this one. Plus I’m working to a very tight schedule.

Last time I shared this page, here, it looked like this:

Anyway, since my last post I’ve branched out across another page so at one point it looked like this:

And I've recently added to it a little more:

I’d intended to try to keep the circles from overlapping to start off with but realised that the page wouldn’t get nearly as full as I wanted it to without letting some of the circles overlap occasionally.

I’ve still got quite a few circles to add to the page, they’re sitting in a pencil case as I type. As with everything else at the moment, NaNo has been pushing all my normal evening activities to the sidelines. Also my glue stick isn’t very good at the moment. Not all of these circles are very well stuck down!

Hopefully next time I share this page it’ll barely have any page left showing through between the circles.

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