
Friday, 23 January 2015

Cardiff & a Second Christmas

As I mentioned yesterday, Mr Click and I took a trip to Wales. After a long journey and a bit of a late night, I left Mr Click at home on the Monday for a trip to Cardiff with my Mum.

I was very, very restrained during this shopping trip. The only thing I bought for myself was a new top for our family get together at the end of our week in Wales. I also bought a gift for a Secret Santa for the same get together. I did however, ooh and ahh, over lots and lots of pretty stationery and nice new pens.

Mum and I must've walked miles around Cardiff! It's been a really, really long time since I was in Cardiff and I didn't really remember much about the place. I'm already looking forward to my next trip back there (next time I'll maybe treat myself to something there as well). I especially enjoyed the discovery of Hamley's, the Disney Store and the Lego shop just as we were wrapping up for the day (if only I had a spare £100 to spend on a Smaug Lego playset).

The next day was our second Christmas. We did the full works. The tree was put back together, cards came out, table decorations were constructed. It was lovely.

That evening the family descended (these are people who I have spoken to online or over the phone recently, but haven't seen for nearly twenty years) and we had a lovely Christmas dinner. There was a lot of laughter and talking, jokes, messing around and teasing. It was perfect.

And I'm not going to lie. I did love the presents. I'd had great fun coming up with gifts for my family in Wales (two of my favourites that I gave were a pair of secateurs made out of chocolate, but painted to look like the real thing, and a kit containing edible flowers to grow).

Between us Mr Click and I received a strawberry planter (ready for the strawberries I've been saying I'm going to grow for the last three years, with the promise of strawberries to follow), chocolates and drink, things for the kitchen and a lovely picture frame. I've also got Frozen on blu-ray and a pattern book for knitting lots of different teddies (really need to finish my socks so I can get on with some bears now).

Not even Tara was forgotten. She's got lots of biscuits and treats, courtesy of my Aunt and Uncle. She got her own little mini Christmas when we got home.

And believe it or not, that Christmas on the 13th of January wasn't even the last one! Some people do Christmas once, some might even do it twice. We did it three times this year!

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