
Monday, 19 January 2015

Some Stats

It's been a while since I blogged about my Stats and as I've been away so haven't had much time to put towards more detailed blog posts, this seemed like a good time to take a look at things.

I do like to look at the graph of my 'all time' statistics:

Circa. 4th January, 2015

I'll admit I took this screencap a couple of weeks ago. It'll be interesting to see how these figures have changed in the last week or so.

I don't know exactly what caused that spike in October 2013, but I'm pleased to see that my number of monthly pageviews has risen fairly consistently. I tend to average about 4,000 pageviews per month, which makes me happy.

As for my most popular post of all time. That would be this one. My review of the first book in the A Song of Ice and Fire series, A Game of Thrones. I suspect that it's because of the use of the book cover in that post because my all time most popular search term bringing people to the blog is 'a game of thrones book cover'.

I wonder if the combination of the above search term and this picture will change this into my most popular blog post...

I am pleased to see that 'Click's Clan' and the blog address are the third and fourth highest ranking search terms bringing people to the blog. That means that not everyone is coming here looking for book cover images.

As for other search terms, well, I'm pleased to see that people have stopped coming to my blog in search of porn. I always felt sorry for those people, they must have been sorely disappointed.

I do still get some gems like this:

I do wonder if the person looking for a 'beautiful animated male pic for profile' found what they were looking for here.

I like to check on my stats from time to time. It's always interesting to see what brings people here. By far my book review posts seem to be most popular, along with photo ones and some of the personal ones as well, which is good, because that's what I like to blog about.

Plus it's always good for a laugh when there's a sudden spike in people looking for knitted chickens.

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