
Friday, 3 April 2015

Chapter-by-Chapter: The End

If you're visiting in search of my A to Z Challenge post for the day, you've missed it! It went live this morning. :-) Click here to check it out.

I can't believe that a year from starting to read this series of books, we're finally at the end. Literally, The End which is the name of the thirteenth and final book in A Series of Unfortunate Events. I'll get to work on it ready for the first chapter next Monday, but let's take a look at the cover and see how much of this story I can remember.

So what've we got on the cover of this book?

First things first, the spine is a lovely green colour. Green is my favourite colour (you may have noticed that from the decor on the blog). The border pattern is a column of little red apples. I vaguely remember apples playing some sort of part in the plot, though I couldn't tell you where.

As for the main picture? Well, we can see the Baudelaires are still in their concierge finery, which isn't looking so fine any more. They've obviously been washed up somewhere and I'm going to assume that the foot belongs to Olaf, there's the eye tattoo after all.

There are some other bits and pieces washed up around them as well. In the bottom right corner I can see some rope and a fish tail, in the background there's what appears to be a bird cage. I can see some broken wood as well, so I suspect that the boat they were sailing in doesn't come out of this little excursion looking too good.

I remember relatively little about this book. I know that the children (and I guess Olaf) get washed up on some desert island. I remember there being allusions to The Tempest. Is there a character called Miranda? The apple design has got me wondering if perhaps there will be references to the garden of Eden as well at some point.

I vaguely remember Kit Snicket and her bump showing up again. I think somewhere near the end the children deliver her baby and things don't go well for Kit. I also remember the very end of the book, but I'm not going to say anything right now to spoil it.

We'll get started on Chapter One this Monday afternoon.

See you there!


  1. You remind me that I never finished the series! I think I still need to read the last two. Hope I can remember enough from the first 11 to have it make sense when I get around to it!

    1. They don't take too long to get through if you do have to go back to the beginning to start again. Or you can always read through the posts tagged Chapter-by-Chapter on here. At the start of each on I've got 'What Happens?' which is a brief recap of the events in the chapter so you can refresh yourself before tackling the other two. ;-)

  2. Super cool series. Practically read them all on the train traveling coast to coast. Granted, the train shut down for problems, which gave me the time to do it. :)

    1. They are a fantastically quick read. I can imagine getting through them on a long journey, especially if you had a long delay.

  3. I bought these books quite a few years ago for my grandkids. But before I gave them to them I read the first, I think 9, then I never finished the rest. I wonder if they still have them so I can finish. They were interesting books for sure.

    1. The first three in my set were given to my brother and we read them together. I obviously got into them more than he did because I bought the next three myself while I was away visiting a friend (to read on the way home and then read them all before I got on the plane).

      You should definitely borrow them back and read them all again. :-)

  4. Sounds interesting. I will be there to journey along with you on Monday.
    Have a great weekend and holiday.

    1. Great, see you there!

      And enjoy your Easter weekend too. :-)


Let me know what you think. :-)