
Sunday, 5 April 2015

Weekly Rundown: Purchasing a Panda

It's been a funny sort of week here at Chez Click, not least because it's the Easter weekend so I've ended up with a bit of a bizarre work schedule. I've completely lost track of what day of the week I'm on and spent all of Thursday convinced it was actually Wednesday (since I was home from work on Wednesday therefore in my mind we sort of skipped that day).

And what was I doing on Wednesday?

Why buying a car of course!

This car in fact:

It says 'RESERVED' because we're going to pick it up tomorrow!

I feel quite grown up buying a car. I've never done that myself before. Of course, I'm not actually able to drive. Yet. The plan is to take care of that before the end of the year is out.

Getting a new car has been on the cards for a while, but everything is falling into place for us. The running costs of our old car were starting to add up so we just decided that it would be best to go for something cheaper and more economical. And this is it.

She's been nicknamed Bluebell already and I can't wait for our trip off the island tomorrow to bring her home.

When I haven't been spending large sums of money on motor vehicles I've been trying to stay on top of the A to Z Challenge. This has not only meant writing posts (I'm trying to stay at least one week ahead of myself with the challenge posts) but also visiting other blogs and commenting there.

I'm making an effort to make a return visit to every blogger who comments here. Hopefully I haven't overlooked anyone. It's time consuming but it's also very fun. A little like NaNoWriMo, you're all embarking on something creative and crazy together and you know you're all in it together.

Oh and I'm still taking part in the Reading Challenge. I slogged through Cold Mountain, finally finishing it on Wednesday night. So now I'm reading Sherlock: Chronicles which my Mum gave Mr Click for Christmas. It's a behind the scenes look at the BBC series and I'm really enjoying it. We've recently started watching the series from the beginning (another of Mr Click's presents was the third series of Sherlock) so it's fun seeing how things were made in episodes we've watched in the last couple of weeks.

I'm sure next week you'll hear all about Bluebell and any other exciting things I get up to.

P.S. Happy Easter!


  1. Beautiful care and darling name! How fun! Im looking forward to going to Vancouver so I can finally own a car again. Japan is not very car friendly, haha.

    Alex Hurst, A Fantasy Author in Kyoto
    A-Z Blogging in April Participant

    1. Thank you. I'm looking forward to 'meeting' her tomorrow. We couldn't get by without a car but I think it's one of those things you can get by without if the public transport system is good. :-)

  2. Bluebell looks beautiful and learning to drive her would be a great achievement for 2015. A question springs to mind - will she have done more miles by water or by road by the time she gets to your house? Have a lovely Easter long weekend :)

    1. Thank you. :-)

      The stretch of water that the main ferry crosses is less than ten miles (I think) so she'll definitely do more water miles than road miles, hehe. If she'd been at a closer garage then it would have been a tough call!

      Hope you're having a good Easter too. :-)

  3. Replies
    1. Thank you! And thanks for visiting. :-)

  4. Congrats on the car! I totally agree - the blogging challenge reminds me of NaNoWriMo, too. The community aspect, especially knowing others are tackling the same challenge, is keeping me going.

    1. Thank you. :-)

      Definitely knowing you're not the only one crazy enough to try the challenge definitely helps you through. ;-)

  5. Happy Easter! Bluebell looks darling. May she serve your well for miles and miles and years and years.

    Jean, back from the Grand Tour and visiting for the A-Z Challenge from Rantings and Ravings of an Insane Writer Number 209 on the A-Z List.

    Jean Schara
    Blackbirds First Flight (Quin)
    Blackbirds Second Flight (Glaring Upheaval and Fluffy Malone)

  6. As an animal lover, I thought I was coming over to read an article at pandas. lol Oh well. I like the car too. It's looks pretty sweet! All the best!

    1. Sorry to disappoint. ;-)

      I do have pictures of pandas from my trip to Edinburgh Zoo, which might be more your sort of thing, and thank you!

  7. Buying a new car--very fun and exciting!

    1. It is! Off to get it today and can't wait!

  8. Congrats on the new car and thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. Thank you, and thanks for the return visit. :-)

  9. Congratulations on your new car! That's so exciting. I've never had a new car, either. Someday maybe... Enjoy and safe travels 😊

    1. Technically she's a 'new to us' car, but she's still newer than our last car. ;-)

      Thank you and thanks for visiting.

  10. I know you and bluebell are going to have some great adventures together!

    1. Thank you. I'm looking forward to posting pictures of all the places we'll be going to. :-)


Let me know what you think. :-)