
Thursday, 23 April 2015

Wreck This Journal: Poke Holes In This Page

Are you visiting through the A to Z Challenge? Click here to see today’s post.

This is a page that I’ve not really done much with yet, aside from what the page actually instructs you to do. The page instruction just says POKE HOLES IN THIS PAGE USING A PENCIL. I spent a while trying to come up with a way to do that in an interesting way and I kind of drew a blank.

Then one night I was sitting in bed, flipping through some of the pages that I’d not had a go at yet and with a pack of colouring pens beside me, when I happened across this one. I didn’t really think too much about it and then decided to colour in the circles with random colours.

The randomness is kind of important here because normally I’d try to do some sort of pattern, but I literally just grabbed any old pens that came to hand. Then while the paper was still slightly damp from them I punched holes using a mechanical pencil.

Taken in bed right after I'd finished punching holes in things with a pencil.
It looked pretty cool when it was first done because I punched the holes through from the wrong side, so the page was raised in odd places when you looked at it.

Since then I’ve closed the book and they’ve gotten flattened down so it doesn’t look as good as it did. I also kind of want to do more to this page, but I’m not sure what yet. I’m thinking of maybe colouring it all in black so the coloured circles stand out more and then maybe punching through the holes again to open them up more.

How it's looking now, after the poked bits got squashed.
You might see this one again in the future…


  1. So intrigued I had to check back through previous posts to find out what this was about. Quirky!
    Anabel's Travel Blog
    Adventures of a retired librarian

    1. It's really good fun. There's something quite freeing about knowing you can just be destructive with it, especially if you've had a long or tiring day. ;-)

  2. I really enjoy these posts, they make me want to go out and get one of these journals. Maybe I will hint to the kids that I would like one for Mother's Day. :)

    1. You really should, they're so much fun.

      Keri Smith does a whole range of different books and I've seen some other books cropping up, similar to this one but done by other authors.


Let me know what you think. :-)