
Sunday, 17 May 2015

Not Really A Weekly Rundown

This post isn't really a Weekly Rundown post. I normally write my Rundown posts on a Saturday or Sunday about something I've been up to during the week which I think is interesting or feel like sharing.

This week, as you're reading this, I'm visiting the Loch Fyne Food Festival, so I've had to write this post on Tuesday. As the week has barely started so it makes writing a Weekly Rundown post kind of tricky.

The big news is that this week sees the end of an era. I may have mentioned once or twice (or three or four times) that my laptop has grown rather old and clunky. I think it's safe to say that she's been going through the laptop equivalent of the menopause. She often has hot flushes, sometimes switches off completely, and often spends a good part of our time together slowly (so S-L-O-W-L-Y) loading things up.

You can practically hear her snapping at me 'I'm doing it! I'M DOING IT!' whenever I ask her to open another programme and she doesn't jump to it immediately. For some reason in my head my laptop sounds like an elderly woman from New York.

Unfortunately for my 'New Laptop' the time has come for her to be replaced with a younger (not so hotter) model.

It's weird how strange this makes me feel. On the one hand, I'm thrilled with my new laptop, especially as it's a complete bargain, and it's a snazzy blue colour. On the other hand, my laptop has been a huge part of my life for the last five and a half years. We started this blog together. It truly is the end of an era.

I feel like I'm embarking on an exciting new stage of my life. One with a super duper 50mm camera lens and a laptop that actually takes less than twenty minutes to get up and go.

And this is what I'm working on at the moment. Black and white portraits! I'm hoping to track down some other people who might let me take their photos and mess with them.

You'll hear more about this and my new laptop in the future, I promise.


  1. My computer's also in that menopausal stage. I'm thinking I'll nurse it along for two more months so I can (maybe) buy the thing in cash. (It really sucks how a two year down-payment made me pay almost double its price in interest.)

    1. Luckily my family helped me out with this new one. I've just bought a new car so I'm not sure I would've stretched to a new laptop as well so soon.

      I don't think I realised how bad my old one was until I got a new one. It's lovely and fast. Hope yours keeps going a little bit longer. :-)

  2. Black and white photographs always look so interesting, don't they? Sorry to hear about your old laptop but it does get to the point where you need to upgrade to be able to achieve the results you need. I'm looking forward to hearing all about the food festival on your return :) Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

    1. The food festival was fantastic, I had great fun (though didn't actually take any photos of the food).

      I felt quite sad about the old laptop until I compared it to the new one. I can get so much more done in a short space of time with the new one; it's so fast. I'm a little bit in love.

      And the good news is, all my software works on it, so I can carry on getting the hang of editing my photos! ;-)

  3. There's something sad about replacing stuff, even when they've outlived their usefulness. Planned obsolescence. It's still hard to give up something that's served you well.

    1. Yeah, it was a fantastic laptop when it was new. Now, not so much. Though it's done well for its age.

      I'm feeling a lot happier about my new laptop now I've seen how slow my old one was by comparison. And my new laptop is wonderfully shiny and pretty. ;-)


Let me know what you think. :-)