
Sunday 19 July 2015

Weekly Rundown: Just Kidneying

It's been a funny sort of week this week.

Monday night I ended up with a bit of a sore back. 'Bit of a sore back' is sort of an understatement for the excruciating pain that started on my lower left hand side around 9pm and steadily got worse and worse until I caved in at midnight and allowed Mr Click to run me to the hospital. Two years ago I ended up in a similar situation which resulted in two nights in hospital (not something I was in any great hurry to repeat) so I resisted it for as long as I could.

It was probably my kidney. Possibly a kidney stone. Funtimes.

Two hours later, one very nice injection and two cocodamol later and I was finally able to go to bed and sleep for the remaining three hours of the night.

I fully intended to go to work the following morning. I'd slept surprisingly well (definitely a case of quality over quantity) but then felt like I was going to pass out when I was getting dressed. Realising that this wasn't the best way to feel when you need to go to work, I called in sick. And promptly threw up about ten minutes later.

Mr Click tucked me up in bed with Disney's Robin Hood playing, which I mostly slept through. Wakening up a little bit later I could feel the pain in my back starting again, so suggested to Mr Click that perhaps a bath might help. He dutifully ran one for me, which was nice for a while, until I had to throw up again.

I'm a big baby about throwing up so this then meant lots of tears and crying. After which I felt surprisingly good.

A brief telephone consultation with the doctor established that the cocodamol was probably the source of the sickness. Normally I'll take one every two hours instead of the prescribed two ever four hours. If I pace myself with them I get nausea; apparently if I don't, I puke. Lovely.

Since then I've been feeling a lot better, with just the occasional twinge of complaint from my left kidney. Hopefully it's over whatever it was that upset it.

I'm also slightly annoyed that I've ruined my good streak of no sickness from work. Still, three days in four years isn't bad (especially as for two of those days I was in hospital).

Normally when I have a day off work (holiday, not being poorly), I use the time doing fun things; like reading, or blogging, or knitting. By the evening I was feeling well enough to tackle my current Wise Man (who I have decided is Caspar). This may have been a mistake because he's slightly overstuffed and seems to have a bit of spine curvature. Hopefully it won't be so obvious now I've finished his gown and sewn it on.

I'm planning on spending the day chilling, knitting a little more and catching up online. I'm so behind on all the blogs that I read that an easy day spent reading blog posts and playing with yarn sounds perfect to me.


  1. Replies
    1. Thank you. I'm feeling much better now thanks. :-)

  2. I've never had kidney stones but my brother has and they sounds so painful. Hope you are feeling better.

    1. I am thanks. :-) It definitely wasn't fun.

  3. Not a fun few days. Hope you are on the mend. I hate throwing up too. Same thing, I turn into the biggest baby. Caspar doesn’t look overstuffed to me.

    1. Thank you. :-) I'm glad I'm not alone in being completely useless when I throw up.

      Caspar is very nearly finished now. I'm feeling a lot happier with him now he's got his arms and beard on.

  4. :( I hope that you are feeling much better today.

  5. So sorry you got sick. Hope you feel better.

    1. Thank you. Luckily I got over it quickly. :-)

  6. Glad you're feeling better! Love the knit Wise Man. I should start a project like that -- it's hard to knit around baby but maybe something small will be easier to keep out of her reach!

    1. Thank you.

      It's quite good fun and there's a sense of achievement with each one you finish (well, I've nearly finished Caspar now and when I sewed on his arms and beard yesterday he really took shape). Plus they're so small they come together quite quickly.


Let me know what you think. :-)