
Thursday, 30 July 2015

Wreck This Journal: White Things

I'm finding the COVER THIS PAGE WITH WHITE THINGS page quite tricky. You don't often find things that are pure white and sometimes the white things that you find are more suitable for other pages in this journal, like the white round number 59 sticker that I found and had a slightly dilemma about which page it was best suited for.

There's the added hassle that there are a lot of white things that don't stay white for very long. Take flowers for instance, white petals might be white for a while but then they go brown, at which point they don't really have a place on a 'white things' page.

Luckily the petals that were scattered across the tables at my cousin's wedding are not organic and being artificial they've stayed white. This makes them perfect for this page, but also highlights another problem with this page.

It can be a bit tricky to get a decent photo of a page of something white.

I've been struggling with this page because I'm finding it hard to find things that are plain white and so I'm torn between just keeping on with it or perhaps sticking in the odd white thing with other colours on it. On the one hand, I know that this book is all about interpreting the instructions in your own way, but on the other hand, I think there's something cool about turning the entire page white.

Hopefully I'll find some more white things to stick in here over the next few months so I have something more to share in the future.


  1. Flower petals are a good choice.

    1. Especially fake ones that won't change colour as they dry out. ;-)

  2. I have a suggestion for your white page - paper doilies. Hope this helps. Or some lace - I maybe on a roll here.

    1. I'm going to be on the look out for doilies now. And like I said the other day, I've got some white wool I can knit up and stick in there. :-)

      I'll bring it with me to Wales and we can have a white things hunt over the weekend.

  3. Of course, you could just leave the page blank...

    1. Hehe, that never occurred to me. I do like that idea.


Let me know what you think. :-)