
Sunday, 6 September 2015

Weekly Rundown: I'm Back!

Hello! I've returned from Wales!

I haven't done a huge amount of anything this week, at least, not since getting back from Wales on Tuesday evening. It's made it a bit of a funny sort of week since I only had three days before it was the weekend again. Even though I've been pretty tired from all the travelling, I could easily get used to that.

I'll tell you all about what I did in Wales tomorrow.

Except for one thing.

Last Monday my Mum taught me how to make Welsh cakes. They're like flat scones and are cooked on a griddle (or frying pan). They are incredibly more-ish and I defy anyone to make a batch without eating a fair number of them before they've cooled.

Well, yesterday I decided it was time to teach Mr Click how to make them. I'd brought some home with me from the batch we'd made for the picnic, but they were over a day old by the time I shared them, and they'd spent at least ten hours squashed into a bag in my backpack.

Mr Click procured all the ingredients, as well as a few other necessities (like a sieve and a rolling pin) which we didn't actually own until this week. He even got us aprons.

And so we got to work on them yesterday morning. Having made them under direction previously, I took charge and got everything going. There was a slight moment of worry when my mixture was very sticky and didn't seem to be coming together into a sort of dough, but a bit of flour soon solved that.

The first six we made were a little bit too well-done, but we figured out we should turn the temperature of the hob down slightly and the other thirty-eight came out beautifully. We ate about about eight of them before we'd even finished the batch!

I'm yet to pick up my knitting again since I got back. I've played around with crochet a little bit, but I've also been doing more colouring in (something I'll be getting back to once I've done all my blog posts for the week). I bought a couple of colouring books while I was away and I've been feeling a bit too tired of an evening to concentrate on my Nativity scene, so colouring in is nice and relaxing busy work.

Oh, and one other momentous even happened this week. I reached the last page of my book journal. I started it on January 1st last year. Back in March I realised I was getting near the end of my current one, so bought a new one. It's just taken me a little longer than I expected to get to the end. This one's got more pages so I imagine it'll keep me going until around 2017!

I'm getting caught up on blog stuff again now as well, so expect to see some more regular posts from me again.


  1. Those look really good. I think perhaps it's time for my lunch.

    1. They are really easy to make. I just finished the last of the batch yesterday and I'm planning another later in the week. ;-)

  2. Those welsh cakes look really good. Are you going to share the recipe with us?

    1. They're lovely. I will probably share the recipe at some point, when I can take some photos of us making them for a post. :-)


Let me know what you think. :-)