
Sunday 27 September 2015

Weekly Rundown: A Loose Screw

I'm writing this under the influence today. As usual I'm writing my Weekly Rundown post on a Saturday, because usually by Saturday enough has happened in the week that I have something to say about it. I started this Saturday with breakfast in bed; scrambled eggs, toast and nearly two glasses of buck's fizz.

Apparently I'm a lightweight because it took me four attempts to spell 'Weekly Rundown' correctly. Even now I keep typing 'rundwon'!

It was because we needed to use up the bottle of buck's fizz. Plus on Friday I finished my training and we were out at a local celebration of Rothesay Pavilion, which is closing to undergo refurbishments shortly. A whole host of local community groups got together to put on a show taking a trip back through the history of the Pavilion. And what a show it was!

You can actually watch the highlights of the night on our local paper's website, The Buteman.

Picture from
The Pavilion's always going to have a bit of a soft spot in my heart because it was where Mr Click and I spent a lot of time together when we first met (in the local drama group). It seemed somehow fitting that we should be there this weekend.

I did prove myself to be a bit of a hero this week when I got a call from my husband to let me know that I needed to drop what I was doing that evening, grab the spare car keys, retrieve his spare glasses, and then take a taxi to deliver them to him since the lens had popped out of the ones he was wearing and they'd lost the screw so they couldn't get them back together again.

Of course, I answered the call and delivered the back up glasses to him (lucky he had them, otherwise we would've had a long walk home). A few hours later, Mr Click and his friend were down on their hands and knees having another look for the offending screw, when I happened to glance at the floor about three feet away.

Guess what I saw?

On Friday he was able to take the glasses to our local watch shop (since the Optician's is only open occasionally) and they were able to put the offending glasses back together. And all is right with the world again.

I may or may not be using this against my husband by constantly reminding him how wonderful I am for finding that teeny tiny screw that had camouflaged itself on the floor so well. He's been serving me tea in my Wonder Woman mug ever since so I think he appreciated it.


  1. It's the other way round with us. I drop the butter files from the back of earrings and can't find them, yet John sees them righ away. And cheers tone Buck fizz!
    Anabel's Travel Blog

    1. I've always thought my eyesight could be better, but apparently now.

      The Bucks Fizz was delightful.

  2. That's why I have a teeny tiny screwdriver. But finding those screws is hard when they fall to the ground. You've got a sharp pair of eyes.

    1. His friend had one of those little screwdrivers so it would've been easily fixed if the screw hadn't have been dropped and camouflaged itself on the ground. It certainly scored me some brownie points. ;-)

  3. OMG - you must have super eyesight to spot one of those screws they are teeny weeny!! I always kept a repair pack in my teacher desk drawer as children's glasses were always coming apart and a child without glasses in a classroom has a wonderful excuse NOT to be able to work!! Poor them - it never worked - their glasses were always cobbled back together somehow!! Question - why do you have "spare" buck's fizz - what have you been celebrating? Have I missed that post? Anyway, a truly eventful week for you and the Wonder Womam mug is well deserved :)

    1. That's definitely a sensible thing to keep in a desk drawer. I know of plenty of people who would've used their glasses as an excuse not to do work, hehe. Your comment about the glasses always being cobbled back together somehow is giving me a mental picture of string and sticky tape holding them together if the screw can't be found.

      The buck's fizz was to celebrate a new role at work. And it was very much appreciated. :-)


Let me know what you think. :-)