
Thursday, 22 October 2015

NaNoWriMo: Guest Bloggers Wanted

Remember how last Christmas I invited a bunch of friends round to guest blog for me?

Well, I'd planned to do it again and then ran out of time to organise it, so I thought what have I got even less time to organise? Oh, I know, guest bloggers for NaNoWriMo!

So here we are.

Have you participated in National Novel Writing Month before? Did you win? Did you write ten thousand words, hit the dreaded Second Week Slump and spend the rest of the month eating ice cream and watching old Nickelodeon cartoons?

Have you never joined in the craziness before? Do you think this is going to be the easiest thing you've ever done? The hardest? Do you not have a clue and only just signed up after clicking the shiny link up there?

Do you think you've got valuable hints and tips to share? Know a surefire way to banish the inner editor? Do you hate NaNo and wish everyone would just shut up about it?


I need you!

I'm looking for some people to write guest blog posts for the month of November. You don't have to be a blogger to join in, if you don't have a blog or site for me to link to you on I can always link back to your NaNo page (you might get a few more buddies that way).

I'm imagining people writing Pep Talks, like the ones which are emailed out through the month, but you can share your positive or negative experiences of NaNo, tips and tricks, funny NaNo related stories. Hell, send along some of your funniest NaNoisms or an extract from your NaNovel! That'll be fun to read too.

If you're wanting to be featured on the blog, simply email me at to let me know what you're planning to write (just so I can make sure I don't end up with six posts about how Word Crawls are amazing, they are, take it from me).

You should aim for your post to be between 400-800 words long and if you could include a short bio (who you are, where we can find you online, a picture if you feel like sharing) to include with your post. Let me know where I should link it to (blog, social media, NaNo site, something else) and include any other pictures you'd like me to use in the post.

Looking forward to hearing from you.


  1. Oh right, it's time for everyone to jump on the NaNo wagon. Good luck this year. I'll have to think about guest posting, but good luck with your NaNo. I hope you win!

    1. Thank you. And let me know if you fancy guest blogger. I still have spots open. :-)


Let me know what you think. :-)