
Sunday, 15 November 2015

Weekly Rundown: The Halfway Mark

It'll be no surprise to learn that the number one thing I have been working on this week is my NaNo story. I actually spent so much time working on it this weekend that I didn't get anywhere near as much blog stuff done as I would normally do. Thank goodness for my guest blogger, Rebecca Freeman tomorrow, who'll be telling us all about NaNoing with kids.

If my blog posts this week seem a little bit cobbled together, that's kind of because they are. Normally I'll write my weekly rundown post on a Saturday and then finish it off the following day. I'm writing this in the minutes before it gets posted because I spent just over an hour yesterday pounding my way through roughly 6,000 words of my story. By the time I was done with that I was kind of done with typing on my computer.

But I did make it to 45,000:

My stats as of this morning.
45,169 to be exact.

Today I'm hoping to crank out another 5,000 words to take me up to 50k.

I'm not sure if this story will actually take me to 75,000 words like I originally intended. It's taken me a long time to get to this middle point in the story but the next lot of events will go by quite quickly. Whereas I've been writing nearly 10,000 word chapters, I'm going to have some shorter ones coming up which will move me through the story quicker.

I think the resolution will take a little longer but I'm anticipating it wrapping up around 65,000. Ironically, this is what I was expecting before I started dreaming of the heady heights of the Over Achiever's Club.

I'm pleased with how it's shaping up at the moment anyway. Just hoping I'll be able to squeeze out another 5,000 words today.

In other news, I've started watching Christmas films. I know it's early but we have nearly forty of the things to get through and it's not really that long until Christmas. I'll try and contain my Christmas enthusiasm for at least another two weeks, but I can't make any guarantees.


  1. Great to see you making such awesome progress on your NaNo project. Looks like you're going to make your goal.

  2. Sounds like excellent progress! There are at least 40 Christmas films? Crikey!
    Anabel's Travel Blog


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