
Sunday, 24 January 2016

Weekly Rundown: Wandering

This week has just been unbelievably busy for me and the weekend has been such a welcome relief. I pretty much did nothing for most of yesterday morning.

Thanks to my Fitbit I know exactly how much I did, or rather, didn't do. By 2pm I'd taken less than 1,000 steps.

So Tara and I went out for a walk. A lovely long rambly walk where we just wandered where the feeling took us. I'd got a vague idea that we would do our usual 'circuit'. This involved walking towards the back gate, veering off towards the shore which you then follow along until you reach the Avenue which leads up to the main road and back to the house.

Yesterday there were a lot of people on the estate who had obviously had a similar idea. I didn't want to disturb their walks with my crazy labrador, and I was having a pretty good time just strolling around listening to my music so didn't want them to disturb mine, so there was a lot of veering off the original course.

This meant that I went right to the back gate, down onto the beach, along to the bird hide that I often walk past but have never visited, up to the cemetery, around the area surrounding the greenhouse and then back through some woodland to the main road and home. I'd planned to do this walk with my camera, but in the end I just took Tara and my welly boots. The latter was definitely needed because I spent most of the time walking around in thick slurpy mud, the sort that grabs hold of your boots and is a little bit reluctant about letting them go. At one point I nearly lost one!

My Weekly Challenge on Walk Middle-earth this week was to walk for thirty minutes. The above photos were taken at the thirty minute mark; I kept going for another thirty-one minutes after this.

Tara was exhausted afterwards, and I was pretty tired too.

So I'm taking it easy today. I'm catching up online, I'm writing (I started work on a story this week), I'm still working my way through The Lord of the Rings (I cannot believe how slow I'm being to read this at the moment, at this rate I'll be dragging this hefty tome to Wales with me).

Have you been on any good walks recently? Care to share some photos?


  1. Well I might be able to take some photos this Monday of various people losing wellies if my scheduled "Welly Walk" goes ahead through the more boggy parts of our local arboretum - something a bit different we decided rather than pounding the winter pavements but who knows what will happen? Love your wild island photos - how wonderful that this is your daily scenery - is your story taking inspiration from your island home? Are you going to share any insights?

    1. I might share a little of my story in the future. Right now it's just for me.

      My stories inevitably end up visiting the island sooner or later, hehe. My big one I've been working on for the last decade features a movie being made here.

      Hope your Welly Walk went well. :-)

  2. Actually, I've been staying off my feet the past couple days. I fell and twisted my ankle...

    1. Ouch! Hope your ankle is feeling better now.

  3. I don't get out much these days as my anxiety is acting up but I enjoyed your photos.

    1. That's a shame, but I'll be sharing more of my walking photos in the future so you'll have to let me know what you think of them. :-)


Let me know what you think. :-)