
Monday, 22 August 2016

Just Play(listing) Around

One of my favourite things about having the internet at home is having music in the house again. That's not to say that we never listened to music before we got the internet. Mr Click is really musical so we often have music playing. It's just it was always a bit of a faff.

We've got an ancient hifi (it's older than me and is more than a little bit temperamental) so by the time you've coaxed your CD to play and carefully nudged the volume control to a reasonable level, you're not really feeling like listening to anything anymore. Normally I'd pop a CD in the DVD player if I fancied a quick tune, but then you're limited to whatever is on the CD (and that's only once you've dug it out from the cupboard or collection of CDs under the bed).

I'm not so old school that I don't have an MP3 player. I've always put music on my Kindle and phone, but I like to have the choice of a range of different songs and styles. I hate to feel limited by whatever I've got on that device at that moment.

And so when I finally got connected at home, one of the first things I did was pulled up my old Spotify account.

And I've developed a bit of an addiction to making playlists.

Actually it's been a bit of an addiction ever since I got my first MP3 player. Even before then I used to fill up notebooks of songs which evoked a particular mood or followed a specific theme.

What I love about Spotify is that I'm not the only person who does this. Loads of other people do it too, so I'm not limited to just the music available in my CD collection. And I'm discovering all kinds of artists who I never would of considered before.

This is my latest one:

I put together a random collection of some of my favourite and memorable TV show openings (and closings too).

It's funny how some of these can take you right back. I can remember watching some of these shows as a small child, in my room as a teenager, hanging out with friends or family members at ridiculous times of the day, with Mr Click when we were first going out (right up to today).

I've always loved that about music.

Right now I'm working on my Behind the Scenes story again and I pulled up the Norah Jones album, Come Away With Me. I was immediately taken back to being 17 years old, a summer which seemed to go one forever, watching The Fellowship of the Ring and writing into the small hours of the night trying to get out a story which was unfolding like a movie in my mind.

I've got a feeling that this won't be the first playlist that I share here.

If you were making a TV theme playlist, which songs would you add to it? Are there any albums or songs that take you straight back to another time or place?


  1. Ooh that's a lot of TV Themes. I do love a good TV Theme, hence my occasional Theme Time posts :)

    1. I have to admit, I kind of thought of you as I was writing this post, hehe.

  2. It's amazing how you can have the whole of human musical history at your fingertips.

    1. I love it. It just seems so incredible that I can think of a song I loved when I was seven, run a search and have it right there when I want it. :-)


Let me know what you think. :-)