
Wednesday, 12 October 2016


... a lot better than at the start of the week. Thanks for asking.

Whatever bug was in my system seems to have gone, thank goodness. I feel pretty much human again. Or at least as human as I normally get.

... my new issue of Simply Knitting.

My friends are all rather amused by the fact that I have a subscription to a knitting magazine and it doesn't matter how many times I point out that as knitting magazines go, it's a pretty trendy one. I would say something here about only getting it for the articles, but I would be lying, I mostly get it for the toy patterns.

I'm actually reading it as I type because I came home today to lots of post. It was a little like Christmas. There were some new socks (I do enjoy a good (mismatched) pair of socks), a postcard from my Mum, and my knitting magazine. The latter was totally unexpected as I'd heard there were delays getting this issue out, and my last issue went AWOL so I only received that a couple of weeks ago.

I'm also reading a Robert Louis Stevenson book on my Kindle. It's called Merry Men and is a collection of short stories. Last night I finished reading 'Olalla' which I read in the Penguin Little Black Classics edition last year. It's a good read and I'm getting through it really quickly.

... sweet and salted popcorn.

This stuff is so good.

The diet wasn't going so well at the beginning of the week (I put on, the shame) but I think that was largely because last week we had a celebration day and I ate all. of. the. food. And a doughnut. And I tried my first ever corndogs. And I had a cupcake.

Can you see why I put on?

I'm being a little more restrained this week and I'm feeling better for it. Though some of last weekend's yuckiness is almost certainly due to the bug and not the food I ate.

... the fact that we picked up new pillow at the weekend.

What is it about a pair of big fluffy pillows that makes a bed so much more inviting? Pretty much as soon as I finish this blog post I'll be heading off to bed, with my new socks, knitting magazine and comfy pillows.

I'm telling you, it's absolutely wild in the Click household tonight!


  1. Good to hear you;re feeling better

    1. Thank you. I'm hoping I'll actually be able to do stuff this weekend, instead of sitting around feeling sorry for myself. :-)

  2. Loved this post, Click and I had a little chuckle at that last sentence :) I subscribed to Simply Knitting last year after visiting the knitting show in London and there are lots of trendy patterns and interesting little makes. Glad to hear you are feeling better - I'm going down with a cold but am hoping to keep it at bay through plenty of fluids - water and honey and lemon - NOT the alcoholic ones! Special Teaching at Pempi’s Palace

    1. Yay! Glad to see you back and I'm glad you enjoyed this post. :-)

      It's cool that you're a Simply Knitting subscriber too. The latest issue with all the chunky knits is making me want to have a go at a cardigan or jumper even though I don't do things like that.

      Hope you can keep the cold at bay. Dose up on orange juice and some Vitamin D as well. ;-)


Let me know what you think. :-)