
Monday, 21 November 2016

Saturday Shopping

When we weren't in the cinema enjoying a certain newly released film on Saturday, we were wandering around Glasgow.

It was the perfect day to visit the city. We were there early enough that it wasn't too busy, which suited us well because there's nothing worse than trying to battle your way through heaving crowds of bodies when all you want to do it take a look in a shop.

I wanted to take a look at a couple of shops for Christmas gift ideas. As of Saturday I had three and a half gifts left to buy; one of which is Mr Click's and I'm waiting for Black Friday to go for it, one is a work Secret Santa gift and two are family presents. I didn't pick up anything there, though I did find one of those gifts today.

I did need to pick up some new clothes for when we head to Wales next month. I ended up getting rather more than I intended to, so I am completely set now. There was a definite theme going on with the day, since all of my tops have a Hogwarts/Harry Potter feel to them. Perhaps my favourite is the one I'm planning on wearing on Christmas Eve. It's got two layers, the bottom one says 'after all this time' and the top layer, which is slightly see-through so you can see the writing beneath, just has 'Always' on it. Perfect for our anniversary.

And of course it wouldn't be a shopping trip without adding to my washi tape collection...

That's almost enough for a Christmas Washi Advent Calendar. I did toy with the idea of popping a roll into each of my little advent stockings before I string it up, then helping myself to one each day. The problem is, I'm already starting to draw up my Christmas Bullet Journal pages and I want to be able to decorate Christmas cards and gifts, so maybe not.

Two of my favourites are the green Christmas trees against the blue background (in the pack second to the right in the front) and the blue roll with 'Baby, It's Cold Outside' (in the pack on the front right). I'm already planning out things I can do with them.

I'm fully aware of my washi tape addiction, but I suspect that Mr Click might have caught it too. He was very helpful in pointing out tapes that I didn't have yet to the collection.

I also found a selection of Christmas stickers:

I'm especially chuffed with the stickers in the centre at the back. They're Raymond Briggs Father Christmas ones. And there's two sets of each sheet. This is important to me because I like to trade tape and stickers with my pen pals and sometimes I feel like they have way cooler stuff than I do. Bonus side effect of trading with friends; you end up with twice as much as you started with because you have some of the things you bought, plus some of the things they've shared with you, which gives you lots of choice.

I almost didn't get the advent countdown stickers, but Mr Click talked me into getting them. I've done weekly spreads in my Bullet Journal through November, but I'm planning on going back to dailies for December and these will be perfect for dating my dailies. It's not clear from the picture, but they're read and glittery. Yes, apparently when it comes to stickers I am six.

So I'm now really looking forward to the end of the month. And not just because of pay day for those last couple of Christmas presents. For me a huge part of Christmas is the build up, and all this crafty stuff means I can get well stuck into some easy going crafting.

Look out for some very festive BuJo pages, coming soon to a Leuchtturm near you!


  1. Mr. Click sounds like an enabler...
    The sticker comment--in teacher college, the professor would put stickers on all the assignments that got As. Because, apparently, we also were all six.

    1. He is definitely an enabler. And I kind of love him for it. There are so many things I probably never would've done, tried or bought without him behind me, giving me a little nudge. ;-)

      I love that your professor would put stickers on your assignments. That's so sweet.


Let me know what you think. :-)