
Thursday, 17 November 2016

The Christmas Film List

As I type this, I'm watching the tail end of our final 'Not Quite Christmas' Film, Bridget Jones's Diary.

Of course, this run through of 'Not Quite Christmas' Films has alerted me to a whole host of other films which I've not included on the list. While watching this one, I've remembered the fact that Christmas makes an appearance in About a Boy so that'll have to go on next year's list. There's probably a couple of others I've forgotten about right now.

I'm surprised at how quickly we've got through them all so I'm optimistic that it won't take us too long to get through all of these:

I've literally just done the drawing to find out what film we'll watch first (mainly so I could include it in this blog post).

And the winner is White Christmas!

I have a feeling that my Christmas Music playlist is about to get a little larger!


  1. I keep to the Hallmark Channel and their offerings. Usually while frantically finishing my knitted Christmas gifts.

    1. I think if we had proper TV I'd spend most of my time alternating between the Christmas music and Christmas movie channels.

      And don't mention knitting! I'm so behind!


Let me know what you think. :-)