
Monday, 2 January 2017

Catching Up...

I'm still getting back into the swing of things after being away, then spent an extra two nights away from home for New Year with my in-laws, so I'm a wee bit behind on my blogging (and let's not even mention my plans for vlogging, which so far have gotten as far as practicing setting up the tripod and making sure the camera works).

And it's back to work tomorrow.

That's going to be a bit of a shock to the system after so many days of staying in my jammies until nearly lunchtime!

I'm kind of glad that it's a short week to ease me back into it gently.

So here's a little heads up of what'll be coming in the next few posts:

  • Our unexpected early departure for Wales and the very interesting hotel which we stopped in along the way.
  • The rest of the journey, which thankfully was a lot less stressful than the actual leaving the island bit.
  • Christmas, which was generally awesome, as well as all the other things we got up to in Wales.
  • The return from Wales, which was a breeze compared to getting there and the (almost) luxury hotel we stopped in (compared to the previous one we'd been in).
  • And my new Bullet Journal and how that's going.
How's your New Year going so far?


  1. Sounds like a good year so far. Mine has been nice and quiet with no drama, so good so far.

    1. That's good, drama free is definitely the best way to be. ;-)

  2. Nothing going on around these parts yet. That doesn't mean the blog has nothing going, however...

    1. I'm just getting caught back up on blog posts today. I've got a lot to get through, I've not read any since well before I went away.

  3. Happy New Year to you both - may it bring you lots of wishes come true. I love the odd socks by the way - it always makes me feel secretly anarchic to wear different socks :)

    1. Happy New Year to you too. :-)

      I always wear odd socks, it saves time pairing them up when you do laundry. ;-)

  4. Can't wait to hear more about your trip and I'm looking forward to your vlogging adventure :)

    1. I'm planning on posting about Wales over the next few days. And I'm hoping to make my first video in the next few days. I'm holding off for decent light in the room where I'll be recording it, but the daylight hours are so short it's proving difficult. ;-)


Let me know what you think. :-)