
Monday, 9 January 2017

Christmas in Wales: Part 3, Christmas Eve

When I left off we'd touched down in Bristol. We met my Mum and she and my stepdad drove us to their house in Wales and Christmas could finally begin, even though it wasn't for another day and a bit. There was much chatting and catching up and meeting of my stepbrothers for the first time. All very good fun.

But first there was Christmas Eve, and that means our anniversary.

We exchanged our traditional anniversary gifts. I gave Mr Click a little Weasley-style jumper decoration:

This is actually the before photo. Mr Click's asked me several times if I would knit him a jumper and I've always declined because that's way too long term a project for me. But as our anniversary this year was wool I figured it was the perfect time to make him a mini one.

After this photo was taken I embroidered a number 7 onto it, the idea was to make something a little like a Weasley jumper and it turned out better than I was expecting.

Mr Click's gift to me was a wool felted squirrel on skis. He's a very well-travelled squirrel having been purchased from someone in Bristol, travelling all the way to the Isle of Bute, then leaving there and flying all the way back to Bristol, then heading to Wales before doing the whole thing in reverse when we came back!

And from my Mum we got a copper coloured heart as copper is also the traditional seventh anniversary gift. As you can see, I was really good about photographing our anniversary gifts this year! I'll make an extra effort this year when we get the tree up and get some photos of our collection then.

Christmas Eve was a day of preparation. Together we made mince pies (plus three jam tarts for the fussy person, that would be me) and we also started work on a jigsaw puzzle. My Mum has a fantastic collection of puzzles and we all took turns working on it as we watched TV that evening.

And of course there were other preparations to make as well:

This was almost all of the gifts we'd taken with us or sent on ahead.

I was very curious to find out what was in all the packages appearing under the tree. But like me, you'll have to wait a little longer to find out what we all got.

I'll tell you all about it on Thursday!


  1. You might as well knit him something. You don't have the curse to contend with.

    1. At least now if he asks for a jumper I can tell him he never wears the last one I knitted him. ;-)

  2. Looking forward to finding out what was in the presents.


Let me know what you think. :-)