
Friday, 13 January 2017

Christmas in Wales: Part 5, Boxing Day

After all the excitement of Christmas Day, we took things very easy on Boxing Day. We had a lovely long lie-in, played with our Christmas presents and worked on the jigsaw puzzle which we'd started on Christmas Eve.

We did make time to go for a little walk up the hill at the back of my Mum's house. It was bitterly cold, but the scenery and views were beautiful.

There are some wonderfully shaped trees up there which just look interesting and old, kind of like the ones which surround our home.

And just like home not all the trees were standing upright:

Our walk covered a little over 1.75 miles, much of it uphill, which was definitely needed after all the food we'd eaten the day before (and would continue to eat over the rest of the holiday)!

Next time I'm in Wales I'm hoping we'll be able to do this walk again and perhaps go a little further. We ended up having to turn back because the ground got a little boggy and my trainers had sprung a leak. When I fly down in the future I'll not be transporting dozens of Christmas presents so I'll be able to pack a spare pair of shoes and wear my walking boots.

When we got back (and warmed up, it was pretty bitter out) I spent most of the evening kneeling on the floor behind the sofa working on the jigsaw puzzle.

And look! We finished it:


  1. Wow, that looks like quite the puzzle.

    1. It was a good one. And not as hard as the next one we started which had loads of red pieces in it (which could have gone in about three different places in the picture). :-)


Let me know what you think. :-)