
Monday, 16 January 2017

Christmas in Wales: Part 6, The Last Day (and a bit)

All too soon, it was time to start getting ready to return home.

The day after Boxing Day we spent some time organising our cases for the journey home. I wish I'd taken a photo of my handiwork because that was some serious artwork I made there. It was a thing of beauty.

The one thing we'd not really considered when we flew down to Wales with all our presents, was the fact that while we were getting rid of all those gifts when we arrived, we would also be bringing stuff home with us. I'd not really thought about the gifts I would be bringing home. I wasn't honestly expecting to get too much.

In the end we had to get two gifts posted back to Scotland, some pretend candles and some real ones (along with my gloves which I forgot in the car), because we didn't want to have any hassle with them in airport security. My family were very good about getting us mostly flat gifts which made for some easy packing.

After playing Tetris in our suitcases we had a family get together with a really big buffet. I ate far too much food.

This was quite literally the icing on the cake. Well, and some marzipan as well.

My Mum made a Christmas cake and I'm not a fan of fruit cake so I said I would pinch the icing and marzipan off of Mr Click's. Well, Mum decided to save him from having to share so I got a little cake all of my own. Sadly, John never got around to trying the actual Christmas cake but it looked really good.

We spent the evening chatting and playing Carcasonne (a game which I've played with on my Kindle before but have never played with other people before). It was a lovely end to the holiday but kind of bittersweet because it meant saying goodbye to most of my family members until we next get down south, or they're able to come up to visit us in Scotland.

The following morning we finished our packing early but didn't need to leave until about 2pm so I spent some time working on another jigsaw puzzle. Mr Click, meanwhile, had a brief lesson on how to use a pasta maker.

My Mum and Stepdad got him one for his birthday but he'd held off playing with it until he'd been able to see my Mum at work with hers. Between the three of us we made enough tagliatelle and spaghetti for Mr Click and I to have it for lunch.

That's an action shot of it being dished up. It was amazing! We're planning on playing with Mr Click's one this weekend now we've got the ingredients for it.

And then suddenly it was time to pack up the car, load ourselves in and travel across the country to Bristol airport for another three country journey.

I'll tell you about that on Thursday.


  1. You needed another suitcase for all the gifts?

    1. Yeah! Except we were travelling on hand luggage only (because I begrudged paying almost as much for one suitcase as I did for my own return seat). If I'd thought it through a little better we would maybe have travelled with one hold case alongside our hand luggage but I wasn't expecting to have so much to bring home! :-)

  2. Sounds like you had a good time.


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