
Wednesday, 18 January 2017


... my baby rats.

They're doing so well and have their own distinct little personalities. I'm having so much fun getting to know them, their likes and dislikes, and discovering which foods they like.

They are growing like little weeds and I've got a plan to do a proper post to introduce each of them. But those might not start for another few days so here's a quick rundown:

  • Fezziwig & Jingle (pictured above, Fez on top, Jingle on bottom) are the Terrible Twosome. Fezzi follows Jingle around all over the place.
  • Jingle loves the hammock and likes to go there by himself to escape from his brothers.
  • Fez loves food. He's already getting a bit of a tummy and little chubby cheeks.
  • Dodger's filling out now and looks more like a proper rat than a little baby like when we got him. He's becoming quite brave.
  • Pocket is still just Pocket. He's a unique little guy and seems very upset every time we close the door and shut him in with these rats!
  • We put a grass house in the baby cage last week and it's not uncommon to see them all squished inside it. Inevitably they will run out of room and someone will slide out. I can see this only becoming more of a problem as they grow up.
... getting a nomination for an award at work.

My Team Leader nominated me and I got a note of what she said. It was just lovely.

I always try to get on with things at work but over the last year I've come up with an organisation system (heavily influenced by my bullet journal) which I've refined and tuned, with built in reflection and I'm really proud of how it works for me. I'm really impressed that my progress has been noticed and commented on.

... still Oliver Twist!

So much for my determination to read a little quickly this year. I'm just struggling with it because I'm so familiar with the story, so I know what's coming next. I can't feel the same sort of attachment to the characters as I would if I wasn't so aware of the story.

... the second series of 24.

Like right this second.

I liked the way that the first series wrapped up and we decided to go right on with watching the second series. I'm quite enjoying it and I'm still feeling the Spooks/Die Hard lovechild vibe from it. Considering the fact that it can be quite violent and there's plenty of people dying in it, it's a lot lighter viewing than Criminal Minds was so I'm grateful for that.

... to buy a printer.

I've wanted to get a printer for the house for ages, but more so since we got internet so we can print wirelessly (or even when we're out of the house if necessary). Well, I won £31 worth of vouchers which can be spent in Argos so that plan has stepped up a gear now.

Now it's just the important bit where I narrow it down to which one I want to get. I want a 3-in-1 (though there's a 4-in-1 I was looking at which wasn't too much more expensive and had a host of extra features). I'm leaning towards and Epson because that's what I've always used and I'm most familiar with. I'm still weighing up options though.

I've been selling printers for years so you would think this would be an easy decision for me, but it's not. If anything it's harder because of all the different things I'm aware of.

Any hints or tips for picking a printer?


  1. Anything would be lighter than Criminal Minds...

    No help on the printer front. I'm still using one that's over a decade old.

    1. Hehe, yeah it's not hard really, is it?

      I've got a few options for the printer. I'm slowly narrowing it down. Hopefully I'll get one which lasts as long as yours!

  2. aww they're so cute and their personalities sound fun.

    1. They are wonderful. And they're keeping us on our toes, especially Dodger at the moment!


Let me know what you think. :-)