
Wednesday, 25 January 2017


... that Dodger is so much better.

He's zipping around all over the place and is decidedly unwonky now. Even his head tilt is unnoticeable. Hopefully tomorrow will be his last trip to the vet (ever)!

... haggis, of course!

It's Burns Night so we've had our haggis, neeps and tatties. And we're not the only ones:

Fezziwig was the first to tuck in and then Jingle (up there) decided to give it a go. As I type this Dodger is tucking in and a few minutes ago Pocket was having a nibble. I was worried that the haggis might be a little too strong for them, but Pocket kept on going back for seconds (and thirds, and fourths) so I think it's safe to say it's a hit!

Introducing new ratties to new foods is definitely one of my favourite things.

... still Oliver Twist.

I can't count the number of times I've woken up to find my Kindle on Mr Click's pillow. In fact, this morning he came back from the bathroom and woke me up to point out that he may have actually been using it as a pillow, since I helpfully left it there while I was reading last night.

I'm blaming the Metformin for this one. I feel so tired. I don't remember this being a side effect last time, but who knows, perhaps I just forgot. I've been alternating one good night's sleep with one bad one (so I'm due for a bad night tonight, last night I slept like a log!) but still can't help but nod off while I'm reading.

I've got less than 20% left to go now and I'm determined that I'll be finished by Sunday.

... series two of 24.

I think I might be enjoying this one a little more than the first series, though Kim Bauer seems to have this uncanny ability to waltz from one disaster to another. How can anyone be so unlucky?!

... another vlog post.

I'd been waiting until I had something to say after starting the Metformin, then I did have something to say about the Metformin and I had no energy to actually say it. I'm hoping to record it either Friday or Saturday and have it uploaded on Saturday, though I make not promises.

I'm also hoping I'll have a hospital appointment next week. If I remember, I'll make a little video about our journey to the hospital. I think that'll be fun. I just wish my camera had enough battery to record the entire thing, but at 2.5 hours long, I think it might be a little too long for people to watch!


  1. What is this Burns Night? I've seen it on the internet today, otherwise completely clueless.

    1. It's a celebration of Robert Burns and a very Scottish thing. At a full Burns Supper the haggis is piped in, there are addresses and of course the haggis, neeps and tatties.

  2. I'm so happy to hear that Dodger is doing so much better. I loved putting a new food in the rat cages to see if they'd like it and most times they did. I watched video on youtube where they go kids to try Haggis without telling them what it was first and most of them loved it. I've never had it but I'd be willing to try it. I took Metformin for my Diabetes for a little while. Had to stop taking it because it upset my stomach too much.

    1. Thank you. We had his last vet appointment today and he was given a clean bill of health but with a warning to keep and eye on him and bring him back if there's any change. I'm not sure if there's any lasting neurological damage but he seems to be happy enough.

      Haggis is lovely and meaty, with a bit of spice to it. Very yummy. You can get it in a tin which you'd except to be gross but it's actually really nice.

      The Metformin's not too bad on my stomach this time (though I might be saying different after I double the dose tomorrow), but I'm fairly certain it's increased my anxiety levels. Between that and Dodger I'm a nervous wreck!


Let me know what you think. :-)