
Monday, 13 March 2017

A to Z Challenge? Maybe...

April is fast approaching which means a number of things. The weather is getting warmer, the days are getting longer, Mr Click has started making noises about what I want to do for my birthday this year, and I've started updating my Amazon Wishlist with the sort of gusto normally reserved for kids with a highlighter pen and the Argos catalogue at Christmas.

But it means something else too.

The A to Z Challenge is coming up.

And after sitting the last one out, I'm seriously considering joining in for the next one.

For those not in the know, the A to Z Challenge is a blogging challenge where you blog almost every day in April (you're allowed Sundays off for good behaviour), each post follows the letters from A to Z; so on the 1st your blog post is inspired by the letter A, the 2nd is inspired by the letter B, and so on all the way through to Z.

I've taken part in the challenge three times and have blogged about IVF/infertility treatment twice and an A to Z of my favourite songs once. It turned out that after doing the first load of IVF posts before starting treatment, I then found a whole lot more to say about it after a failed round and a fresh round.

Next Monday is the A to Z theme reveal, so I've pretty much got a week to decide whether I want to do the challenge again or not. Right now I'm leaning towards yes and I've got a couple of themes in mind (of course, if you're thinking of joining up, the theme isn't absolutely necessary but it is a useful way to structure your posts to help you come up with things to write about).

Are you thinking about taking part in the A to Z Challenge? Will you be doing a theme reveal next week?


  1. I participated once and I doubt I'll do it this year. It's just so time consuming.

    1. I think it was the year you participated which was the year I found your blog. :-)

  2. No, you don't have a week to decide. You don't have to do a theme reveal. You can just start right in on April 1st. So, take that pressure off yourself.

    I'll do A to Z. I post most days anyway. We'll see how good I am at visiting others this time around, though.

    1. That is true. The main reason for doing the theme reveal is simply to give me a preplanned post for next Monday. I've got a plan though, and I think I've got a topic for about half the letters of the alphabet.

      Looking forward to your A to Z posts. :-)

  3. I am hoping to take part this year I already have one post written with a theme but then I got super busy so if I do it it will be winging it.

    1. Ooh, look forward to your posts. I've done a mix of pre-planned and winging it in the past. This year I'm hoping to be organised and get most of them written before the start of the month but I'll probably end up in a bit of a rush towards the end of April.


Let me know what you think. :-)