
Thursday, 6 April 2017

#atozchallenge Letters to my Embryos: E is for Energy

Welcome to Day 5 of the A to Z Challenge, an April blogging challenge where you aim post every day during the month following the letters of the alphabet (with every Sunday bar the last one off).

In the past I've used the challenge to blog about my infertility and the IVF process. I'm following a similar theme this year as we wait to begin the process for a Frozen Embryo Transfer, having completed a Freeze All IVF cycle in February.

We currently have nine embryos sitting on ice, my little bubbles, and this April I am blogging to them about the process of how they came to be.

Dear Bubbles,

I don't know how true it is but apparently it's the egg that provides the energy for you to grow for the first three days of your development. After that the rest of the process is all up to you. This apparently helps to explain why some embryos go well for the first two or three days and then stall in their development, or conversely, you get some which seem to go very slowly but then suddenly start to play catch up a couple of days after conception.

Obviously, the fact that you made it to blastocyst stage shows that you had enough energy. Hopefully my eggs did their bit and then you were able to take over and keep going.

The next big test is when we take you out the freezer. You need to summon on those reawakened energy reserves and pick up where you left off. If you're reading this letter then you know that you did just that and I believe in you enough to actually write this series of letters, so I'm sure that you'll do just fine.

I hope that you never lose that momentum which carried you for those first five days of life. I hope that you'll always be active in some way, either physically or mentally. Searching for new activities, new knowledge, new horizons.

And I sincerely hope that I have enough energy to keep up with you!

So if it ever seems like your old dad and I are moving a little bit too slow, just remember, our spark of energy has been running for a lot longer than yours. We need more time to recharge our batteries!

All my love,

Your Mum.


  1. Ah, energy. I could use some of that right now. Interesting post on energy for embryos! I'm learning so much about the process from your blog!

    I thought I was slow as a parent, but I'm even slower as a grandma. I wish I cold bottle the grandkids' energy!

    Trudy @ Reel Focus
    Food in Film: Eggplants

    1. I know that feeling! Thanks for stopping by. :-)

  2. Encouraging words, of not losing the energy!

  3. Neat! I didn't know that. And a great bit of advice at the end.

    1. Thank you, glad you found it interesting. :-)

  4. That is what I think when my 2 year old grandson comes to visit! He is moving at top speed and I am barely moving. I hope your little bubbles do their thing!

    Finding Eliza

  5. I'm growing very fond of Bubbles.

    1. Thank you. I'm feeling pretty fond of them too. ;-)

  6. Stress is exhausting. I'm rooting for you.

  7. You will have what you need. Even when the flesh isn't willing, the spirit will keep you going. And your wisdom will reign in the little one when needed. It will be a team effort.
    My song for E, "Everybody Hurts", is a positive song. It is a human thing to feel such hurt, but if we hold on, it will be okay. Because Life does that. Thanks for sharing similar songs.
    Everybody Hurts
    Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

    1. Thank you. It's definitely a team effort. :-)

  8. This is actually sweet. I think this is lovely when they are older they can read this and understand how much you love them even now

  9. Ah, so that's where my energy went, lol. I am really loving these posts. Since I am so far behind I'm not posting on every one but I am reading them. This is such an amazing theme. Not only for those babes but to educate the rest of us.


Let me know what you think. :-)