
Saturday, 1 April 2017

#atozchallenge Letters to my Embryos: A is for Assistance

Welcome to Day 1 of the A to Z Challenge, an April blogging challenge where you aim post every day during the month following the letters of the alphabet (with every Sunday bar the last one off).

In the past I've used the challenge to blog about my infertility and the IVF process. I'm following a similar theme this year as we wait to begin the process for a Frozen Embryo Transfer, having completed a Freeze All IVF cycle in February.

We currently have nine embryos sitting on ice, my little bubbles, and this April I am blogging to them about the process of how they came to be.

Dear Bubbles,

If you're reading this then hopefully you're perfectly aware of the fact that we had to call in (more than) a little assistance to get you here. And I'm not just talking in the traditional sense where a mummy and a daddy go to hospital when it's time for the baby to be born and lots of nice people like midwives and doctors help bring the baby into the world.

Oh no! We needed help with you long before you even came into existence.

I like to think that we'll tell you right from day one just how you came to be. The process of assisted conception is about as close to a real life miracle as it's possible to get. I've lost count of just how many appointments and medical personnel we spoke to in order to bring you to life. There were the injections to help my body to do what it needed to do to bring you into the world. There was also plenty of help from friends and family along the way as well.

I hope that knowing where you came from will help you to understand that asking for help isn't a sign of weakness. It's a sign of strength. It's know your own limitations and recognising who can help you achieve your goals. If your mother and father hadn't asked for help, you would never have come into being.

So be proud of how you came to be.

All my love,

Your Mum


  1. Truly beautiful, and such wise advice.
    Looking forward to your posts!
    Happy A to Z ing!

    1. Thank you and thanks for stopping by. :-)

  2. A tough, but important topic. Hoping for all the best results!

  3. This is such a keeper, Heather. You know this is going to work and you're going to need to share these thoughts with your child. So precious.

  4. So poignant. Very beautiful. Wishing you the best on this journey.

  5. This is beautiful, my friend. Truly. Hugs.
    Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

  6. This is wonderful. I had a comment but it completely disappeared. Sigh. It was much more erudite than this one!

    1. Don't worry, my comments are moderated. It's just up there now ^^^. :-)

  7. Sorry that it's been a tough journey for you, but it's lovely that you're sharing it.
    Doree Weller

    1. Thank you. I think it's really important to share these things, so many people feel like they're going it alone. :-)

      Cait @ Click's Clan

  8. You said it well! Best wishes for you & the bubbles.
    Perspectives at Life & Faith in Caneyhead

  9. That was very touching. I'm sure IVF is a tough process, so thanks for letting us have a little glimpse into it. :)

  10. I love this idea! What a journey you have already walked...and what an awesome love letter to those little "bubbles." I look forward to reading more from you this month! Thanks for stopping by my blog!

    1. Thank you. I'm really enjoying these letters, it's been quite the journey to get here. :-)

  11. That's beautiful. Thank you for sharing.

  12. You are so right about being strong enough to ask for help.

    Finding Eliza

    1. Sometimes it just takes you a little while to realise it. ;-)

  13. Darn onion cutting ninjas. A great lesson for your future child.

    1. Sorry, they get in here occasionally. ;-) Thank you.

  14. I hope one of the bubbles gets to read this one day. Infertility is a hard thing to deal with. I hope everything works out for you.

    Aj @ Read All The Things!

    1. Thank you. I'm saving them all in a little journal for them to read some time.

  15. Click, I wrote letters to each of our children while they were in my womb, so I think your idea of writing to your little Bubbles is very sweet and hopefully one day one or more of your Bubbles will read of the amazing process it took to get them from start to finish. Modern medicine is a marvel which shows God's glory at work because without the Master none of this would be possible. God blessings to you and your little Bubbles!

    #AprilA2Z Art Sketching Through the Alphabet Letter "A (Angels)

    1. Thank you. I've always wanted to write letters to my children for them to read as they grow up. Sadly there are some that will never be read, but I'm optimistic these will be. :-)

  16. What a nice and straightforward explanation! Good luck with your nine bubbles! I think it's amazing what can be done nowadays!

    1. Thank you. It still amazes me, especially the thought that they could be frozen for years and still become actual people!

  17. Such a touching post. Can't wait to read the rest!

    1. Thank you. Hope you enjoy the rest of them. :-)

  18. This is a nice way to start the A to Z and for the future children to see how much they are loved even at this stage.

  19. I love this! I love your faith shining through--your optimism in writing to your future children. I also like that you bring out that fact that asking for assistance doesn't mean you are weak; we all need help from each other! Thanks for visiting me as well.

    Gail Park

    Making Life an Art

  20. I love this! Brilliant idea writing to your future children--demonstrates your faith and optimism in the process. I also like how you point out that asking for assistance is not a weakness but a strength. We all need a little help now and then! Thanks for visiting me as well.

    Gail Park

    Making Life an Art

  21. All the best!

    I have a friend working as an embryologist. It's a hard job.


    1. Thank you.

      I can't imagine how difficult it must be to work as an embryologist. They literally hold people's futures in their hands and have to make some really difficult decisions!

  22. This made me a bit teary. Beautiful post. Hugs.
    Both Sides Now
    Annie at ~McGuffy's Reader~

  23. Wishing you all the best on this grand adventure, and with your beautiful AtoZ too, of course!
    Jamie Lyn Weigt | Writing Dragons Blog | AtoZ 2017 - Dragons in Our Fandoms


Let me know what you think. :-)